Review: Teen Wolf Season Finale

Aug 14, 2012 19:32

I enjoyed the season two finale of Teen Wolf but I'm left with more questions than answers. I wasn't convinced that Scott came up with a legitimate plan by himself. Really? This is Scott we're talking about. I would believe it if Dr. Deacon came up with the plan and helped Scott execute it. Speaking of the good doctor, was his speech to Derek truthful or part of the plan to get him to the police station. Whose side is the Doc really on? I'm starting to think Derek is right not to trust anyone.

Poor Stiles! He gets the crap beat out of him by Grandpa Argent and has an emotional moment with Lydia that didn't go well. It also seems like Stiles wasn't part of the "Master Plan". The show didn't resolve my issue how Scott doesn't trust in Stiles even when Stiles has put his life on the line and has been a good friend. I really enjoyed Sassy!Peter. He was comic relief in the episode. Who knew someone other than Stiles can have that role? I like the new Peter if he's really there to support Derek because lord knows he needs family and a trusty sidekick.

Dun, dun, dunnn. There is a new all alpha wolf pack in town. WTF! How...What...Really? I'm not going to even try to understand or debate the logic of an all alpha pack. I'll wait until next season for the show to explain how that it's even possible. Besides, we don't know if Grandpa Argent is really dead. More werewolves, more problems.

Derek needs to focus on what's left of his pack, making alliances and recruiting. Making teenagers into werewolves haven't pane out and doesn't seem like a very good plan but the show is called "Teen Wolf". I hope Derek gets his pack back together. What about Jackson? Is he an alpha? I don't think so. Maybe he's a super hybrid beta. In the end, I want Jackson to join up with Derek's pack because that pack needs to fill the vacant spots after Boyd and Erica departure. And with this new threat, it will be good to have a strong werewolf on your side. Also, I want Lydia to join Jackson. With her brain power, she will be an asset to a pack.

Let's talk about my girl. I like how the show hasn't made Lydia fall all head over heals in love with Stiles just because he's a nice guy and obviously like her. It's not realistic and I'm tired of the love triangle on every teen show. I want to know what sort of powers Lydia has to be immune to the werewolf bite. And what's her connection to Peter?

Allison...what can I say...I'm happy that she realized the relationship with Scott needed to end. I don't really forgive her for going bat shit crazy on Boyd and Erica. I wonder why it was so easy for her to turn to Gerald instead of her father.  I hopefully she gets her act together and comes out stronger.


tv, teen wolf, review

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