i waste all my time just thinking of you.

Feb 26, 2006 16:40

Our improv team competed with 9 teams and placed 2nd to Dr. Denison, a school that went to nationals last year and placed 7th in the whole country. We were so excited. This is my favourite team so far; it honestly feels like a family (disregard the cheese, please). Then, we went to finals and had a really bad night. Really bad. We finished in 4th place out of 5 teams and only the top 3 go on. So, it's over. We were devastated. We stood in a huddle and all of us cried, except Hani and Tal because they're boys and have to be masculine. Out of our 8 members, 4 of us are leaving this year. We made our own t-shirts with our inside joke names. They're all locations that sound like our names, sort of. Mine's Vlatvia <3.

Natale - Natraska
Marta - Antmartica
Becky - Uzbeckistan
Tal - Talifornia
Hani - New Hanshire
Stella - Austellia
Tina - Argentina
and our coach Brentwood - Papa New Brentwood

We were so in synch and such friends and we honestly thought we had a chance at nationals. I said no, don't say that, but they convinced me to believe. So then there was disappointment, of course, which only further entrenches my belief that you really can't be excited for anything because you're just going to be disappointed in the end.

I didn't really cry until we were in Marta's car driving home from the competition. I called my mom to tell her we were coming home and she asked how it went and that's when i broke down. I always break down when someone asks me questions about the incident. So i started bawling, the kind where you can't talk and everything i said came out in some garbled way. Natale heard me sobbing in the car and Tina was sitting between us and Natale just put her hand on my shoulder. It was really nice.

This is my

(from the left) Brentwood, Tal, Tina, Natale, me, Becky, Stella, Marta, Hani

our shirts are too awesome

the girls (minus Stella) at Becky's

Brentwood admiring us all at Upper Canada Mall before the competition

Tomorrow's the mock trial competition and i'm a witness this year. I'm really nervous but we're very prepared so hopefully it'll all go well.

Isn't it amazing that
one kid will grow up, sleeping in his or her bed
and another kid will grow up, sleeping in his or her bed,
neither of them knowing that when they finally grow up, they’ll be sleeping in the same bed.

improv, pictures, mock trial

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