TUTORIAL || Dr. Helen Magnus [Sanctuary]

Jan 30, 2015 12:55


Welcome to this week's Fandom Friday, everyone! This week brings you a make-up tutorial for the glorious and impeccable Helen Magnus from SyFy's Sanctuary. I loooooved this show. I loved everything about it, the writing, the characters, the green screen, the kick-ass-ness, the actors and the oh-so-hot actors and now because I've become so obsessed with make-up, I've found a new appreciation for the make-up that was used on Amanda Tapping's character, Doctor Helen Magnus. So with all that being said... Shall we begin? See what I did there?

I wanted to do a video tutorial for this look. I had it all filmed and ready to edit but it just wasn’t meant to be. But I did come up with another method to show you how to get this look. I explain it all in my blog post. Also, before I forget, this look is achieved by using all brands from the drugstore so it’s kind to the pocket.

Check it all out at my blog; Kazzie Athena

life: i'm a total fangirl yo, fangirl: helen magnus, - blog, actress: amanda tapping, show: sanctuary

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