Sanctuary fic - Heirloom

Jul 16, 2009 14:53

Title: Heirloom
Author: kiki_fan187
Rating: general
Category: general/angst
Characters: James, Helen, John with Ashley later on.

Summary: James finds something whilst investigating a murder scene.

A/N: With watching the webisodes and series episodes of Sanctuary and I noticed something. Ashley is always seen wearing a small silver necklace and in the webisodes, John makes a point of it and that hasn't been seen in the series [yet]. Subsequently, this fic is a result of thinking about that necklace and what it might mean and how it came about. I've been thinking about this fic for a few months now and it wasn't actually until I tried to type it up that my plot bunny took over. And I'm posting it to my journal instead of my fic community, I don't know why but I feel I need to.

Disclaimer: Characters are not mine. Just taking them out for a spin and leaving them exactly where I found them.

Silence. In the dark envelope of the night James blended with the shadow that clung to the brick wall of the building that lined the alley way. Without making a sound he moved towards the place. From the shadows he could see it. The dim light from the nearby street lamp pointed it out.

It was exactly where Helen said it would be.

Molly's body had been removed from the spot where she had fallen, where she had lain slain. Slain at the hands of his friend. James' mind was ravaged by the fact that it had been his own ally, the man he had discussed these murders at length with, had been the one committing these murders all along, adding Molly to the list. James waited in his concealment, making sure that no-one further would investigate the scene.

Nothing made a sound except for the leaking gutter; water droplet after water droplet fell onto a discarded bucket below. His mind tried to ignore it and focus on the task at hand but the profiler in him couldn't help but notice it as he catalogued every minute detail.

James moved from the darkness and knelt down by the mark he came to investigate. He could see where Molly's blood had seeped from her neck and dropped to the cobbles beneath. Her dried blood could be seen in the dim light, mixing with the damp stone bubbles. His keen eye looked at how her blood had pooled. It was a deep cut in the victim's throat, left to right in their perspective. He could tell where her head had fallen and in what way she faced in death. It was less gruesome than he had expected due to the previous murders John had committed. In previous instances, James could not bring himself to even investigate the scene after hearing of the mutilations inflicted on these women.

They had known Molly. They didn't know her that well but they knew her name. Their parents had been friends. It was a shame that Molly had to bring herself to this line of work. Now at the hands of John, Molly had been dealt an untimely and cruel death.

Bringing himself back to the task at hand, his eye scanned the area and nothing appeared out of the ordinary. It was as if nothing had happened. It was only Molly's spilt blood that indicated anything.

Frustrated and defeated, James stood and turned to leave. As he descended into the shadows once again, his foot knocked something. It felt much too big to be a stone and a rock of some description would have been out of place. He bent down and saved it from the dark. In the dim light of the alley James looked at the object. He could tell it was a small box made for jewellery. In his fingers, it begged to be opened, it begged to be acknowledged. He couldn't open it here when he was surrounded by darkness and murder. Silently, he put it in his pocket and walked home.


James fell into his chair at home, his legs heavy from his journey to Whitechapel and his mind reeling. He looked across at the chair that his friend had so frequently sat in and enjoyed a brandy whilst all the time harbouring a murderous second nature. He wondered if the ladies of the night he mutilated where simply outlets that he used instead of murdering someone else. Perhaps his main target was Helen and his two faces wouldn't allow him to hurt her and so consequently took his rage out on the poor women that walked the alley ways at night.

Remembering, James retrieved the mysterious box from his pocket. In the light of the room, he could see that it was navy blue in colour and roughly two inches wide with each side the same. It looked like a box a ring or small necklace belonged in. His fingers ran along the hinge of the box and he dared to wonder if he should open it. His thumb hovered at the front seam.

'It is my duty to find out to whom it belongs to. It may say something on the inside. Indicate if it belonged to Molly or not. John perhaps. It has to be identified and if it did belong to Molly, the police should naturally be informed,' James debated internally.

He didn't know what he was going to discover. His mind prepared his eyes for the imminent ring he was about to reveal. Cautiously, he opened it.

There, in the felt that sat up in the box, a necklace innocently looked up at him. A silver square cut bulb sat pristinely on the navy felt with a thin silver chain coming out from the material as the light of the room bathed it. He looked at the delicately designed and cut necklace. On its face, a 'D' smiled at him sideways. The upper lid of the box caught his eye as the embroidered material whispered in his mind, 'To Helen, with all my love, John'.

"My God," James gasped in realisation.

James looked away frantically and closed the jewellery box as a feeling of guilt overcame him. It wasn't his place to know about the necklace or see it when it was rightfully Helen's.

"Helen must not know about it," James said out loud, "I have to give it to her. No. I can't. I can't do that. It's a gift from John. He was meant to give it to her . . . It could break her heart after everything that's happened."

James sat uncertain of what to do.

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fics: sanctuary, ! public [fics]

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