The puppies have been lacking of late because we have been super busy. I made up for it today with
We have been busy because we are moving. It is exciting! I love our flat and I really will miss it, but the damp is awful and the neighbours slits. That said, Woman Neighbour and Shrieking CuntBaby Neighbour appear to have disappeared. I don't know what's up with that. Instead, 17 Year Old Boy Neighbour plays loud music and it annoys the fuck out of me.
Anyway, I am really looking forward to the new place - there's still space for guests, the kitchen is better laid out and there's an adorable garden. I'm going to grow vegetables and herbs and get an apple tree.
Aside from that, it's business as usual. We went out of Wednesday (on a school night!!) with Ben and Izzy, the latter we've not seen for two years. She is still lovely, self-assured and gorgeous. It was a really nice time.
Tomorrow we are going to
Gordon Ramsay's Taste of Christmas. My mum and Mark are coming down because we also got them tickets so I'm super excited. I also need to go to the butcher and say "hai, veal please". DON'T JUDGE BITCHES. British veal is A-OK.
Aside from that, Pee and I aren't really doing Christmas. We're not giving each other presents because a) my father's house is nearly sold so we're due the money from that (FINALLY) so let's just leave the materalism for later and b) we would rather get the new flat sorted. I'm actually really looking forward to not stressing about it so much.