capeandcowl application

Dec 29, 2020 00:00

AGE: 24
JOURNAL: aliccolo
IM: aliccolo
RETURNING: Yes; Daredevil, Firestar, Mockingbird, Hawkeye II, Zoidberg

CHARACTER NAME: Jessica Wakefield
FANDOM: Sweet Valley High (book series)
CHRONOLOGY: At the conclusion of her junior year of high school (approximately Sweet Valley High #143)
CLASS: Anti-Hero
SUPERHERO NAME: Magenta Galaxy
ALTER EGO: Jessica Wakefield, scheming high school cheerleader

Sweet Valley is a (fictional) suburb of Los Angeles and is essentially your stereotypical perfect California town.  The beach is just fifteen minutes away, there's a mall, a local teen hang out called the Dairi Burger, the local college, Sweet Valley University, and of course, Sweet Valley High, the absolute center of the universe.  Go Gladiators! The Sweet Valley High book series begins in the late summer/early autumn of 1983, and while the series continued for almost twenty years, the majority of the events are set during the 1983-84 school year.

Jessica is the youngest of three; brother Steven is older by three years, and identical twin sister Elizabeth is older by four minutes.  Jess and Liz were born on June 13, 1967 to Ned and Alice Wakefield, and the girls looked so much alike they could only be told apart by a small mole on Elizabeth's shoulder.  Jessica's family was modest but comfortable, their home was a typical middle-class Spanish-style house with a backyard pool.  The twins were as close as sisters could be and they shared everything.  They wore matching outfits and shared a cramped bedroom up until they were in sixth grade.  But perhaps the most amazing thing they shared was their stunning good looks.  The blonde haired, blue eyed twins were regarded as the most beautiful girls in school pretty much universally, and Jessica would continually seek to capitalize on her beauty throughout the rest of her school days and beyond.

Middle school was an amazing time for Jessica.  She joined an exclusive clique at school called the Unicorn Club.  Only the most beautiful, popular girls were allowed to join the group, and as a member Jessica was required to wear purple clothes everyday and haze and bully less popular girls.  She also joined the middle school dance team and was introduced to the art form that is cheerleading.

By the start of her junior year of high school, Jessica was established as one of the queen bees at Sweet Vally High. She was the co-captain of the cheerleading squad and was routinely voted into homecoming courts and things like that. She'd also established herself as boy-crazy, having dated all of the popular boys in high school at least once, even the boys she didn't like all that much. She did have a few notable relationships during her junior year, however. For awhile she pined for Elizabeth's boyfriend, Todd Wilkins, and though they had a brief flirtation, things ended quickly. She later dated Sam Woodruff, the boy she would consider to be the love of her life. Sam was unfortunately killed in a drunk driving accident. Elizabeth happened to be driving the car Sam was in, though the other driver was sent to prison for DUI. Later, Jessica would date quarterback Ken Matthews, but none of her relationships would last very long, partially due to Jessica's need to move onto the next man quite quickly, and the fact that she never put out. Jessica would do just about anything to be the most sought after, popular girl in school. This included manipulating her friends and sister, lying, cheating, stealing, spiking her sister's drink with vodka which leads to a fatal car accident, turning her back on her friends, promising sex to boys in exchange for presents or favors, etc.

There are 143 books detailing her misadventures during her junior year of high school (not including the thriller editions, secret diary editions, etc.) so you can well imagine that it was an eventful school year. Highlights include: Dying her hair black and attempting to become a model, running away from home a couple times, getting shipwrecked on an island with a bunch of nerds, getting kidnapped by a religious cult, joining an all-male fraternity, having werewolf adventures in London, surviving multiple serial murderers including one who tried to murder Elizabeth and take her place, getting pushed into swimming pools a few times, and of course, switching places with her twin on many an occasion.

There were cheerleading competitions, surf contests, drag races, school dances, house parties, and all other sorts of trouble for Jessica to get into.  By the end of her junior year, she'd pretty much experienced every 80's high school movie plot on at least one occasion, and if she didn't, she experienced it vicariously through her twin.

If she'd grown up in another universe, she could have become a villainous person due to her greed and penchant for manipulation. But in the high school soap opera that is Sweet Valley, she plays the role of heroine as frequently as she plays the villainess. Jessica comes across as shallow and petty and incredibly selfish. Her most enduring interests are cheerleading, fashion, and boys. She hates studying, she's disorganized and messy, and is essentially your stereotypical blonde airhead. But underneath that she is not only a schemer, but she's also pretty fragile. Jessica is out going and friendly, but she's also an unabashed snob. She won't bother befriending someone unless they can do something for her socially. Her best friends are also her greatest rivals, and sometimes they are even her worst enemies.

Jessica's sole goal in life is to be popular. She chases after this goal relentlessly and won't allow anything or anyone to stand in her way. She is manipulative and has no problem with using people and hurting others to get what she wants. She takes things without asking and shifts the blame to others when she is caught. On the other hand, she is almost entirely dependent on other people for her most basic needs. She claims to crave independence, but at the same time, she needs people and can't stand to be alone. She's almost never without a boyfriend, though her relationships aren't based on real emotion or connection. She likes the idea of having a boyfriend and the chase more than she likes actually dating just one guy.

She constantly tries to break out of her sister's shadow. Elizabeth is the good twin, the nice one, the smart one. By contrast, Jessica feels the need to be the bad girl. She gets irrationally angry when classmates mistake her for her sister, and she constantly tries to individualize herself. However, she is extremely dependent on Liz and often relies on her sister to clean up her messes.  Jessica is lost without Elizabeth as her anchor.  Without her sister's influence, she's at more risk for acting out.

She's also sensitive and sometimes erratic and irrational in her emotions.  She's prone to overreacting to the slightest things.  It's not uncommon to find her in a hysterical fit of anger or sadness or laughter.  She's shrewd.  She holds grudges.  And she does a lot of things that are cruel and thoughtless.

But Jessica does have a heart. She is capable of real good. She's demonstrated true kindness and loyalty on many occasions. She stands up for herself and for others, and she considers herself to be a feminist despite her man-crazy ways. She's also a "good girl" by the 80's movies standards. Jessica doesn't do drugs or have sex or smoke. She might make out in the back of a Porsche or get drunk at a party, but whenever she does, there's a lesson to be learned. Jessica constantly makes mistakes and is forced to face the consequences of them. Rarely does she mess up without having to deal with the fall. The problem is, the lesson is rarely remembered, and she repeatedly messes up only to have her schemes fail all over again.

Jessica has no canon super powers.

For the game, she'll get a Madrox-esque power set of self-duplication.  She can duplicate herself, limit to ten duplicates at any one given time.  Duplicates are created at will and seemingly split out of the original Jessica, and they are reabsorbed through physical contact with the original Jessica.  She then gains any memories and skills the duplicates may have acquired during that time.  The duplicates will not know they are duplicates and will believe themselves to be the original Jessica Wakefield.  They will have all of her memories and personality, though they are capable of growth and development on their own if left unabsorbed for any great length of time.  In addition, the duplicates are exact replicates of the original Jessica and there is no way to tell them apart from her by external appearances or by psychic means.


[The comm flickers on to show a beautiful blonde teenage girl scowling into the camera. She's obviously shivering, and from the looks of it, she's clad in nothing but a hot pink bikini. Her teeth chatter as she speaks.]

Look, I don't know whose idea this was, but this is stupid and I want to go home right now! Ugh and it's f-f-f-freezing! Like, seriously, can anyone tell me how to get back to Sweet Valley?

[She rubs her shoulders as best she can to warm herself up, since the comm is still in her other hand.]

Or like, where I can borrow a sweater? It's totally about to snow!

[And like that, on cue, snowflakes start to float down all around her. But the serene moment is lost when the girl suddenly looks panicked.]

And where the heck is Elizabeth?! Has anyone seen my sister?!

Jessica was still shivering as she approached what was supposed to be the MAC building.  She wasn't completely sure that's what it was, all the buildings looked the same to her.  It was like New York was just one big mess of glass and bricks and steel with nothing in between.  It was a little frightening, to think that the buildings went on and on without an end, to think that there was no open space to run in.  No fresh air, no sunshine.  Just grey building after grey building.  It was so depressing.

Of course, this wasn't New York.  This was "the City", and because this was the City and not 1984 New York, there was no Sweet Valley, California to fly back home to.  Her friends weren't here.  Her parents weren't here.  Her brother wasn't here.  And Elizabeth wasn't --

It was too painful to think about.  As much as she and Liz argued and quarreled and as much as Jessica wanted to hate her for being so perfect all the time, the thought of being without her was completely horrifying.  What would she do without Elizabeth?  Jessica couldn't imagine a world without her.  Who would she talk to?  Who would take her shopping?  Who would make everything right the next time she messed up?  If Jessica wasn't already shaking from the wind and the cold, her shoulders would have been shaking from trying to stifle a sob.

She was shaking still when she entered her new apartment, this new place to call home.  It was small, crowded, nothing like the adorable home she'd left behind in Sweet Valley.  The walls were bare and white, the carpet was drape, unlike the familiar Spanish tiles of her kitchen back home.  This place was nothing like home.  It wasn't warm or welcoming or pretty.  It was all just grey.  It was so depressing.

Jessica headed to the window, catching her reflection as she stared down at the city below.  Her skin was bronzed from the sun, eyes that sparkling Pacific blue, the same exact color as Elizabeth's.  Of course, she was a spitting image of Elizabeth, something she'd in turns hated and come to rely on.  She'd always had her twin to call on when things got rough.  She'd never truly had to stand on her own.  And she'd always had her twin to compete with.  So long as Elizabeth was around, she would always feel the need to outshine her and outdo her, to one up her sister as best she could.  Without Elizabeth here to steal the spotlight though…

"I can do this," she nodded firmly, staring at her own reflection, blonde hair spilling over those tanned shoulders.  "I'm going to do this on my own.  I don't need Elizabeth or anyone else.  All I've got is me and all I need is me.  And no one and no thing is going to stop me or hold me back!"

Her face lit up, and she smiled her most dazzling, perfectly dimpled smile.  This apartment wouldn't be so bad.  She could spruce it up a bit, get some cool posters for it, and throw her own insane parties.  And she could invite boys over too.  And she wouldn't have stupid ninny Elizabeth tattling on her or trying to enforce a curfew.  Jessica would have this place all to herself with no parents and no authority whatsoever.  Jessica Wakefield would answer to no one.

Suddenly, the City didn't seem like such a rotten place.  All it needed was a slightly different perspective.

"Look out world!  Here comes Jessica!"

Magenta Galaxy is the name of Jessica's rockstar alter-ego in the books.  Or rather, when she decides she wants to act like a rockstar, she begins to refer to herself as Magenta Galaxy.

!cape & cowl, !application

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