Jul 22, 2008 19:09
Answer each question in exactly THREE words. It sounds easy, but it's harder than you think!
Stoled from teh Catling :D
Where is your cell phone?
~in my purse
Your boyfriend/girlfriend husband/wife?
~in the room
Your hair?
~just hennaed it
Where is your father?
~probably in Delaware
~is the shit
Your dream last night?
~anxiety about Seadogs
Your favorite drink?
~Coffee, water, rum
Your dream car?
~runs on grease
The room you're in?
~is very hot
George Bush?
~will leave soon
Nipple rings?
~absolutely horrified forever
Who did you hang out with last night?
~my best boy
What you're not good at?
~keeping on time
Your best friend?
~is my sister
Student loans?
~in neck deep
Where did you grow up?
~Baltimore County Maryland
The last thing you did?
~packed for flight
What are you wearing?
~t-shirt and pants
Tattoo on the lower back?
~trampstamp fo' sho'
~is often overused
Your computer?
~is super cranky
Your life?
~is always changing
Your mood?
~a little nervous
~not much now
What are you thinking about right now?
~what to pack
Your car?
~in the shop
Your summer?
~awesome so far
Your relationship status?
~work in progress
Your favorite color?
~green, blue, purple
When is the last time you laughed?
~few minutes ago
Last time you cried?
~few days ago
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow?
~tomorrow will come
High school?
~hated every minute