Nov 30, 2005 16:20
Ok, I really need to post here more. It is hard to post on every site that I am a part of.
Christmas is coming fast and it is scaring the hell out of me because I have no money. I do, but I am getting paid like on the 23rd. My 9th paycheck is going to my car and I have no money after that is made since I took two days off. This sucks. Oh well, I will manage, I always do.
I got to spend the morning with my beautiful new niece, Heather. I really got to bond with her. We had alone time and I didn't get that with the other two being born. It was amazing. She grips my fingers really well and she is ticklish on her sides and I can make her give me a big gummy smile. She coos a lot and is very curious about things. She watches the room when you walk around. I love this little baby. I love all my nieces and nephews. They are so cute!!! I can't wait to have my own baby. Speaking of, 1st appointment is monday!!! Pray that everything is ok. I am so worried that there will be no heart beat or something crazy.
My husband is still driving me crazy... but there isn't much I can do about it other than have him taken out... lol... jk. I am not that crazy.
I foresee a falling out between me and Andrew's older sister. I think with my hormones and her bitchy self... something is going to go down. I am kinda excited about it so I don't have to be around her. I never understood why family members don't get over their differences and talk until I met her. Sometimes, family is just not that important. It is better to surround yourself with people who love and respect you than fight for a shred of respect from someone you can barely tolerate. I just rather not be around her. Ever... if possible. So far, I am doing ok. It is just when babies are born and holidays that I have to see her and unfortunately, that is happening a lot lately!!
Ok, that is it for now. Have a good day!!!!