03:11 Be careful out there and stay safe #IranElection
# 04:15 Good luck to Iranians today! Be careful and stay safe, the world is rooting for you! #IranElection
# 05:31 RT @persiankiwi: just received call from street. enghelab square is packed with peaceful marchers. #Iranelection
# 05:49 RT @StopAhmadi: "Unconfirmed reports of 3,000,000 people marching on streets of Tehran" #iranelection
# 08:37 RT @madyar:
twitpic.com/7gut1 - Iran / today / Tehran #IranElection
# 08:38 RT @madyar:
twitpic.com/7gvnv - Iran / Tehran / TODAY / Ahmadinejad is not my president #IranElection
# 14:18 RT @StopAhmadi: Tomorrow, tuesday there WILL be another gathering at ValiAsr Sq. 5 PM #iranelection
# 14:19 RT @StopAhmadi: In Rasht, all ppl that were talking on cellphone or taking pics/movies were beaten (n some caught) #IranElection
# 14:19 RT @madyar:
twitpic.com/7hspb - Tehran / today #iranelection
# 14:21 RT @alovelyzombie:
www.pagereboot.com/?url=http://farsi.khamenei.ir/&refresh=1 #iranelection
# 16:32 My Daily Twittascope -
bit.ly/c8wiN # 16:57 RT Makhmalbaf(Head of Mousavi Campaign) Asks those outside Iran to contact reps. & ask them not to recognize Ahmadi govnt #iranelection
# 22:20 First aid:
www.mayoclinic.com/h... #iranelection #iran9 Retweet.
# 22:21 last night there were riots & unease in Shiraz, Tabriz, Isfahan and Ahwaz. Iran is awakening. they cant be stopped with bullets#iranelection
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