My dream

Mar 26, 2006 23:43

I had a dream about my family in Mexico, my dad's Family.

:Note: this whole dream is actually in Spanish

I dreamt that my mom and I were driving on a road, that looked a whole lot like the road from Camino del Sol park and St. John's Hospital, but before they built all of the houses and the fields were of grapes instead of fruit trees.

I knew exactly where the entrance to their property was, it was between two grapevines, one green and one purple, and pointed my mother in the obvious direction. We drove up tp and intersection in the middle of the fields, surrounded by grapevines, and parked.

ONe of my uncles came out, I've never seen him before, but I knew he was my uncle (He kinda looked like my tio Martin pero mas alto y gordo), he welcomed us and then proceeded to give evy (she appeared there magically) some money, and then after he gave her a few coins (which in my dream I thought were Mexican coins, but they looked nothing like them) he proceeded to give me some coins and I began to refuse, but my mother said that they were supposed to give me coins, that it was their duty. So, he gave me a handfull of small silver and copper coins, all brand new and shiny.

While he was giving me the coins(this does not happen while giving evy the coins), he said a prayer and then he said "what is ours in now yours". I was kinda of like "ok... nice... thank you." And I began to look at the coins, especially the copper ones, they were smaller than a penny, but thicker and had more color, you could tell that it was 100% copper. While I was looking at them, he said to me not to lose them, the copper ones, that they were very special.

We walk to the house, and we go inside, it looks nothing like the house they have in Mexico, it looks completely different except for the hallway, but it's in a different position in the house. When we first enter, we go through a kitchen that has a table, the we are shown to a living room, that has carpet and brown couches, and towards the end of that room, leading onto the hallway, there a a black glassed table. We went back to the kitchen, when she appeared, my Grandma Monica, she was alive, and she wasn't sick, and she wasn't in pain and when I saw her, I knew automatically it was her. She took my hand and led me to the table in the living room.

On the table, there was a beige colored mantel (placemat) and we each sat in a chair towards the middle of it. She then took out a map and some coins, exactly like the one's my "uncle" had given me before. She took my hand, got the coins, and then put her hand in mine and said "what was ours is now yours, in your hands" and she dropped the coins onto my hands.

Then she showed me the map, it looked like it was Italy on the left and South America on the right, but side by side. And from the Italian north, she began to make a rectangle that encompassed the width of South America, the length to about the top of Argentina,and then the rectangle was complete. There were four black dots on the map of all of the points of the rectangle. She told me that this was our family's, and now it was mine. She told me to tell naty, that our property spanned this and that it was ours.

And then, I woke up.

I don't now why I dreamt of this, especially of her. I never really knew her, she died when I was eight, but I remember visiting her a year before she died. I was sacred, I didn't know who that lady in the bed was, but she looked and she smiled at me and she asked us to come closer. She said we looked just like him and that she was so happy to finally get to see all of us together.

Then I remember not being scared and wanting to show her my little brother tony, because he was one and wasn't he cute? She smiled and said of course, that he was getting so big though. Then I remember us giving her a hug and then being taken away from the room so that she could talk to my mom and dad alone. I never saw her again.

I don't even know when she died, my dad won't talk about it, it still hurts him too much even though its been a a little over a decade since she died.

I think its trying to tell me something, that I should try to go back and visit them, because I will be missing out on what is also mine, not just my dad's, but my family.

mexico, family, offline

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