(no subject)

Jun 24, 2009 02:10

02:21 RT Mousavi has called for largest March of Sea of Green on Thurs in Tehran in memory of the martyrs - #Iranelection #

03:18 RT players of IRI national football team banned from speaking to press after wearing green armbands in Korea game - #Iranelection #

03:18 RT Militia all over Tehran on motorbike beating pedestrians for no reason - #Iranelection - to frightened people #

03:19 RT Neda - bit.ly/WD9tC - #Iranelection RT RT RT #

03:40 RT all over Tehran on walls is written 'death to the dictator' - #Iranelection #

03:40 RT political prisoners being tortured to deny support for Sea of Green - #Iranelection - prison source #

04:52 RT RT White House spokesman said Iran has begun 2 "change" but cautioned that Obama wld not back calls 4 a general strike thr. #

05:28 God dammit, it seems like everyone in the blogging universe uses wordpress #

05:50 I think I have found what I am looking for, chyrp. #

06:13 @ chrasy its been found and that's what matters lol I'm gonna start reading up on it when I've gotten some sleep, then I'll ask questions lol #

06:14 RT San Francisco, CA protest 4 Iran: City Hall. Tues 23 Jan 2009, 12PM #iranelection #

06:14 RT Mousavi: From 2day every morning at 9am WE ALL travel 2 Tehran Bazaar, don't wear green #Iranelection #

10:20 Thank you for caring about my jpb situation, but FU. You should have told me we had to be there before 11, why did you wait until 10:20??? #

10:52 It is now 1051 and I've been waiting for my sister to finish getting ready for about 10min now. #

11:30 RT Guardian Council has extended time for considering election fraud claims 5 days more from tomorrow deadline #Iranelection #

11:31 RT We can hear ppl shouting from balcony right now 'Allah Akbar - death to Khamenei' - #Iranelection #

11:31 RT the ppl have lost all faith in this Gov - Iran can never be same as b4 again - #Iranelection #

11:32 RT tomorrow Mousavi annouce start of a new type of protests - peaceful and silent - soon there will be strikes #Iranelection #

11:33 RT all hospitals is surrounded by militia to check why ppl going in - if gun or baton injury - they arrest and beat u #Iranelection #

11:33 RT tinyurl.com/knyutj Violence and Widespread Arrests in the township of Amol #IranianElection #

13:04 @ mindykaling you get in free to disneyland, but you have to register in the disney website first :) #

16:16 My Daily Twittascope - bit.ly/c8wiN #

20:34 I am tired and I only slept three hours last ngiht even though I didn't take a nap, which you said was the root of my problems... 1/2 #

20:36 ...You were wrong, now leave me the fuck alone. I don't give a damn what you think so go yell at someone else because I could care less. 2/2 #
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