Awkward Fanfic Theatre: Intro

Nov 11, 2013 22:31

Awkward Fanfic Theatre is an idea I’ve been kicking around for a little while now, but which I was only recently inspired to actually make a reality.

The basic idea behind Awkward Fanfic Theatre is to give me a venue to discuss those fanfics I found which I thought were awkward or uncomfortable or strange or silly, in some way which I thought was notable but not extreme enough to bear a full-on sporking. I won’t be going through these fics line-by-line-instead you’ll find a lot of commentary interspersed with quotes to help me make my point. Sort-of like the format for my Twisted! sporking but with less summarizing and more commentary.

Additionally, chances are I won’t have as much vitriol for these stories as I do for the sort I normally spork. After all, if they made me that angry on that many levels, chances are I’d just spork them.

Master List

I’ll be running Awkward Fanfic Theatre on and off indefinitely now, and I have a few fics already lined up to put here. If you want to see an entry in particular, you can find it here.

What Pretty Girls Get

Girly Boy

awkward fanfics, fanfiction, writing, master list

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