A proposal to reform discussions of OOC in fanfic...

Sep 11, 2013 20:45

 Some time ago, I was browsing the net and I stumbled across a discussion in which someone (I can't remember if it was on Snapedom or somewhere else...) basically laid out four levels of characterization in fanfic, in order from most in-character to most OOC.

Level 1: Citable in canon

Example: N Harmonia Gropius is childish and loves pokemon.

Level 2: A reasonable extrapolation

Example: N Harmonia Gropius hates to see anyone suffer, though he puts pokemon first.

Level 3: Weird, but not totally out of the question

Example: N Harmonia Gropius wants to have lots of sex with, say, Hilda.

Level 4: This character would never do that!

Example: N Harmonia Gropius wants to force Hilda to give him an heir.

I don't know if the commentator created these nice, neat levels intentionally, but I feel like they should be adopted into discussions of characters' portrayals in fanfics more often, because they're really kind of awesome.

meta, fandom, characters

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