Anyone else think...

Jul 28, 2013 21:04

 ...that male Mary Sues are twice as annoying as female Mary Sues?

I mean, they're less common, but it seems like they make up for it by being more insufferable, more assholish, more selfish, and more sexist/racist/homophobic than all but the worst female Mary Sues. If you think about it, who's more obnoxious: Anabella or Christian Grey? Or, while we're at it, Bella Swan and Christian Grey (or Edward Cullen, as the case may be)?

This just occurred to me because as I plan out my sporkings one thing I notice is that while I certainly get annoyed by female Mary Sues, it's the male Mary Sues (or, in some cases, the male associates of female Mary Sues) that really get most of my ire. Case in point: I'm currently writing up a sporking of a Lifetime!fic based around Pokemon DPPt, and while Dawn is indeed irritating (and the bits about Cyrus raping Dawn are indeed vile) it's Lucas who's getting most of my hate.

meta, random thoughts

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