May 14, 2005 17:39
So for my English class we just recently started reading the book Grendel. Now, granted, I have yet to begin reading this book we did have a very interesting background debate on the story today. Necessarily, I would not have taken the notes down that were on the board but as I started to read them I realized that I understood, and kind of connected with what was being said. So being me, I copied it down and decided I would add it to my LiveJournal. Lucky you. lol Here it goes:
Existentialism: a way of viewing the world in which the focus is always on the individual, on a personal morality, and on a desire to search for an authentic self not bound by the constraints of society. For existentialists there is no great meaning in world which can be defined by religion or philosophy, or if there is, then it's impossible to grasp.
Existence comes before essence that is we exist before we have anything determined in us, in the way of values or morals. Therefore because we aren't born with essence or a moral complex, it is up to us to make up our own minds about how we want to live our lives. Conventional philosophies and religions try to formulate systems of beliefs which would apply to anyone. Existentialism says there is no one true belief and all that meaning there is in the world can be only understood through individual experiences. Freedom is vital and ethically so is protecting the freedom of others. Anything which limits individual choice limits free will.
Existentialism expressed the importance of the individial, ones own existence, the subjectivitiy of that status (as experienced by "one") and therefore stresses freedom of choice for humans.
- I dont really know why this article struck me, maybe it's because I'm so confused about religion right now, and life in general. I like the fact that existentialists make up their own minds, and live the way they want to live; without these religious beliefs that have been contradicted. I wonder what Atheism is like. I've never met an Athiest. Course, everyone dislikes their religion everyonce in awhile, but most still pray, whether it's forced on them or whether they do it subconsiously. I'm the latter. I just want to feel something. Whether it be for religion, or a person, or even my life. I just want to experience something that will make my eye's open in awe, and make me desire it. Maybe I shouldn't be looking for these things? Maybe I should make them happen? or maybe I'm asking too much?