Sep 02, 2008 18:48
So i took this new job. Better hours, almost the same pay and just as good benefits.
Ive been doing accupuncture because my flex spending account pays for it. Who knows if it will work.
Life has been better. Im not as stressed out but im still working two jobs until oct 1. after that i start my new job of 8-3pm m-f. Im not going to work hard anymore. Im just going to work my normal job and spend time with my family. Not to mention, i could see my lil girl do gymnastics, dance and pick her up from mommies day out with my husband. Plus if iwant to take off during the week, i can always work sat or sun.
its a really flexible job and less stress than my current job. my current job is good with good people; is a different social aspect with awesome perks. Like one patient gave me a chipper shredder, another sold me a lawnmower, a car, one pt came and fixed my electricity... etc.... and ontop of all that i get free sushi lunches twice a month.
This time around, i wont get any of those perks. None- no free sushi.
for some odd reason i gained two pounds this weekend. maybe its water weight and ive been eating healthy.
life is good... i still want a viking sewing machine but if i keep wanting and not buy it yet, maybe the urge to want one will fade and i just wont buy one after all. idont know.
Hopefully after i start this new job i will have alot of free time.