People stop telling my about loving God more b/c I love God with all that I am!... I love God! Stop telling me to let God mack me hole b/c he already did.. I am hole b/c of him!. You are telling me stuff that I already know and you are telling me to do stuff that I already done!... I am tired of you all saying the same stuff. It dosent work!. I under stand what your saying but stop... Your not telling me anything I dont already know.. I know you are just trying to help me but your not.. Your just anoying me! I am not trying to seam mean.. I am just tired of all this crap. You all make me feal like I am not a christian and that I dont love God... I love God more than I love you, I cant even explain it! So stop repeating things over and over... I get the point! Tell me something new or dont tell me anything at all!
These pics are made by me!!
<3 Sar.Bar