Public Service Announcement

Mar 26, 2006 02:09

If you're going to get something pierced, go to Piercing Pagoda, not Claire's!

Attempt #1 (Claire's): After getting my cartliage pierced, I couldn't sleep on that side of my head for over a week because it hurt so much. It then proceeded to get infected so many times over the course of several months, I just let it close up.

Attempt #2 (Claire's): The (approximately 16-year-old) piercing girl managed to pierce it halfway through, told me it was stuck, then announced that she was grossed out and didn't know what to do. I told her to just take it out, then cleaned up the blood and left.

Attempt #3 (Piercing Pagoda): The very calm piercing girl just put the gun up and did it, with three cute little girls gathered around to see what it was like before they got their own ears pierced. That was yesterday afternoon, and by tonight I think I'll be able to sleep on that side of my head. It barely hurts at all, yay!

Moral of the story: Claire's sucks, don't go there. Especially if the piercing girl looks like she would use the phrase "grossed out" mid-procedure.

Other than that, it's good to be back at school, minus the fact that there's class on Monday. I'm teaching a lesson plan in choral conducting Monday morning, which is fine, just a bit of a rough way to start out the first week back. But Jon is accompanying the piece I'm teaching, so it should be an adventure if nothing else. :)

Now off to bed so I can actually get some work done tomorrow!
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