Sep 17, 2005 22:49
...=all the other words i don't want to type
Abandon entoure...once upon a time, there was a man eating an apple outside, under a tree.
C'est ton interieut...then he realized he had no love in his life
Qui he decided to travel the world and look for long
Dirait-on...he searches far and wide for his a girl to love
Se ca resse...a girl was sitting under a tree eating an apple
Ainsi tu inventes...then she realized she needed love in her life
du narcisse...but the guy found her
Dirait-on...they fell in love and made many wonderful memories
Abandon entoure...but she fell uncertain of their love
C'est ton interieur...and she decided to leave him
Dirait-on...she searched more and began to realize that he was the one for her
p Dirait-on...the man sat under the tree with great sadness, no apple.
P Dirait-on...he sees her walking toward him
mf Dirait-on...he runs to her and they embrace
on dirait...they live a peaceful life together
I miss Steff.