Feb 29, 2008 23:26
1. Have you kissed anyone 3 years or more older then you? Yup
2. Do you like '08? No. it’s been shitty so far. Like, super shitty.
3. What are you planning on doing this summer? Working.
4. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunset.
5. How many people can you completely trust? Two.
6. What kind of phone do you have? A rotary-dial (vintage- probably 50s-60s)...that’s why I’m amazing.
7. What time did you wake up today? 8ish
8. What would you do if your best friend went out with your ex? um
9. Pick one: green or gold? Green
10. What are you going to do tonight? Essay essay sleep.
11. What are you wearing on your feet? Moccasins made by a real live Indian (seriously, it said so on the label)
12. What's your favourite sucker flavour? Lime.
13. Do you like anyone? I do. He’s a’sleeping in our bed room all cute-like.
14. Have you ever fallen for your ex's best friend? Ha.
15. Are you a myspace addict? Nope.
16. What are you doing/did this weekend? Essay-ing. Watching documentary about Chinese punk music. Going to the Trent Film Society sushi-and-movies thing (which looks sweet btw)
17. Does the person you like, like you back? He does.
19. What was the funniest night of your life? Probably playing drinking trivial pursuit in residence and running around outside.
20. Is there anyone special on your mind at this very minute? My dad and mum.
21. Is music your thing? It’s less my thing than all the people I know that are in bands, so comparatively no.
22. Favourite song? I’m going to say Holland, 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel
24. Do you like taking pictures? Sure.
25. Do you like heights? Nope.
26. Why did you take this survey? The cool kids are doing it.
27. What's your cell phone ring tone? Nope.
28. Are you outgoing? Not...really.
29. Do you want to go to college? This is designed for 14yo girls y/n
30. Do you know how to keep a convo going? If I’m feeling gracious.
31. Can you listen to songs OVER AND OVER AND OVER again? No. Albums yes.
32. Do you like the rain? No, I hate it.
33. What did you have for dinner? Tea. Whoops.
34. Do you want or have a GRILL? Like a BBQ? That would be sweet. If not then idgi.
35. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep? Nope
36. Do you like your family? Yeah, they’re sweet.
37. Have you been to a concert? Of course.
38. Do you like food? As much as the next person I guess.
39. What time is it? 1109
40. Is your life complete? Not really, but it’s pretty good.
41. What are you listening to right now? Nothing
42. Your cell rings, you want it to be...? ...
43. Do you wish upon a star? Nope
44. Were you ever with someone completely opposite of you? Right now. I guess not completely opposite, but close.
45. Have you ever had a crush on someone that was in a relationship? Nope.
46. Do you want to get married? Sure.
47. Have you kissed someone in a restaurant? Yes.
48. Do you care if the person you like drinks? Nope.
49. How about smoke? Nope.
50. Have you ever been called a tease? Ugh, yes. By boys who can’t tell the diff. btw. ‘friendly’ and ‘please try to get in my pants’
51. Last missed call was from? ...
52. Do you miss a past friendship? Nope.
53. Do you like getting massages? Actually, not that much. I love giving them though, it calms me more that getting one.
54. Who do you like at the moment? Everyone.
55. Who was the last person to prank phone call you? Haha, no idea.
56. Who is your favourite teacher of all time? I’m going to stick to profs and say J. Ammirante, D.C. Belanger and J. Wadland tied. High school was too long ago.