So these are just a couple of wild situations in my internet past that have blown my mind and make me think of how small of a world it is. I was just browsing through old files (once again, when I'm bored I just kinda poke and prod in my past - things I have saved virtually or materially in the attic or elswhere)
So, here we go:
I recently rediscovered an old journal I posted on my social anxiety board online years and years ago ....think 15 damn yrs ago....yes I posted a journal/blog via thread on the forum and was updating it with entries as I went. I suppose because at the time my boyfriend then knew my LiveJournal account and even though had claimed to not go on it and had forgotten the name I didn't trust that he didn't peek at it. So I suppose I put one out there under a diff handle to hide it from him. The day I posted this, Feb 24 2005, I was partially broken up with the guy for a week.... it was a very tumultuous relationship - very back and forth, never really stable at any given time get the picture, and I have maybe eventually described it on here at some point ( I know for sure I had on my vlog on youtube over the years )
Anyway, on my social anxiety journal I had copy/pasted an AOL instant messenger (AIM) convo to - so this guy I was in a computer science class with was also on the social anxiety forum message boards. Through some thread he must have discovered I attended Plymouth State U. He then looks up my AIM name and sends out a message...and from there I discover that he really knew a lot about me....And I just barely remembered who he was and him sending a pic helped jog memory a little but not so much since he was actually interested in me and I wasn't, I was trying to get over an ex (or for a while was still dating the said ex) ...
(expand the read more link for full AIM convo!)
yoyodood (8:47:56 PM): Hello Are you there?
Ke wandnot u (8:50:07 PM): who is this?
yoyodood (8:50:25 PM): this is james from the social anxiety message board
Ke wandnot u (8:50:38 PM): ooohhh ok
yoyodood (8:50:39 PM): i was in your class at plymouth i think
Ke wandnot u (8:50:55 PM): reheheally???
yoyodood (8:50:58 PM): JAVA
Ke wandnot u (8:51:00 PM): lol
Ke wandnot u (8:51:08 PM): the computer foundations class?
yoyodood (8:51:23 PM): o yeah. you lived in blair
Ke wandnot u (8:51:37 PM): yeah!!!
Ke wandnot u (8:51:37 PM): lol
yoyodood (8:51:43 PM): i knew you had SA!!!
Ke wandnot u (8:51:59 PM): : \
yoyodood (8:52:13 PM): but no one else did of course...
Ke wandnot u (8:52:25 PM): what were ya majoringin? /what are you/
Ke wandnot u (8:52:38 PM): i donno, youre still takin classes, right?
yoyodood (8:52:48 PM): i got out of that crappy computer major and now im psychology
Ke wandnot u (8:52:58 PM): lol!
Ke wandnot u (8:53:09 PM): **** i can't believe you remember me
Ke wandnot u (8:53:10 PM): lol
yoyodood (8:53:20 PM): didnt you color your hair blue once
yoyodood (8:53:22 PM): or red
Ke wandnot u (8:53:25 PM): yeah blue
yoyodood (8:53:46 PM): yeah i thought you were really cute, thats why i remember so well...
Ke wandnot u (8:54:11 PM): *gasp* lol
Ke wandnot u (8:54:18 PM): hehe
yoyodood (8:54:30 PM): oh man, i tried so hard to talk to you, its not even funny
Ke wandnot u (8:55:48 PM): oh wow lol...hrmm...did you sit nearby me? i'm trying to see if i can remember ya
yoyodood (8:56:31 PM): you prolly wouldnt remember me, i never sat near you. i sat in the front during lab
yoyodood (8:56:45 PM): i was quiet
Ke wandnot u (8:57:17 PM): hehe
Ke wandnot u (8:57:36 PM): do you have a picture of ya by any chance?
yoyodood (8:58:37 PM): ugh
yoyodood (8:58:52 PM): besides my icon, theres one on my other computer but i cant get it now,srrry
Ke wandnot u (8:59:13 PM): ah i can't see icon : P
yoyodood (9:00:10 PM): so why did you leave plymouth?
Ke wandnot u (9:00:18 PM): its funny alot of people have messeged me lately and comment on my icon and then tell me about their's and half of them dont show up for some reason
yoyodood (9:00:29 PM): really
Ke wandnot u (9:00:39 PM): i realized half way thru the semester meteorology wasn't the right major for me...i'm more a designer : P
Ke wandnot u (9:00:55 PM): so I'm back at home, started over at NCC, community college, doing graphic design
yoyodood (9:00:56 PM): thats cool
Ke wandnot u (9:01:05 PM): i loved trying the program out up there though
yoyodood (9:01:15 PM): thats good,
Ke wandnot u (9:02:05 PM): i knew somehow i wouldn't make it thru even one semester...that was a really tough major of course...well that wasn't exactly the problem anyway...i was insomniac and had morning classes and over time i skipped often because i couldn't get out of bed in the morning : \
yoyodood (9:03:50 PM): yeah
yoyodood (9:03:51 PM): thats blows
yoyodood (9:03:57 PM): meterology is good here i think
Ke wandnot u (9:03:59 PM): haha look how organized i was up there ... pg&.src=ph ! here at home stuff is all over the cell phone went missing two weeks ago...i'm so disorganized...i was way more organized up there...
yoyodood (9:04:39 PM): looks like blair
Ke wandnot u (9:04:47 PM): haha
Ke wandnot u (9:05:02 PM): where are you living ?
yoyodood (9:05:22 PM): im off campus now, behind belknap
Ke wandnot u (9:05:38 PM): i'd been into two other dorms .... and those student apartments as well..those were sweet
Ke wandnot u (9:05:42 PM): oh cool
yoyodood (9:05:55 PM): yeah i was in an apartment first semster this year, then moved off
Ke wandnot u (9:06:10 PM): nice
yoyodood (9:07:02 PM): this is so bizarre for me...i knew all along (being a psych major and all) that you had something to do with SA and i was like damn i should just talk to her and try to make a friend....
Ke wandnot u (9:07:18 PM): aw man! you shoulda!!! haha
yoyodood (9:07:59 PM): i tried once, you were walking up high st listening to your headphones and i was on my longboard, and i started to say something and you said "im sorry im really immersed into my music right now" ....(dunno how i rememberd that)
Ke wandnot u (9:09:24 PM): holy **** haha...i think i kinda remember sayin that now
yoyodood (9:09:43 PM): impossible, seriously
Ke wandnot u (9:10:43 PM): is high st the street the cafeteria's on ...or is it that other street the library's on?
yoyodood (9:11:23 PM): library side
Ke wandnot u (9:12:53 PM): yeah i was prolly either walking to the pharmacy down the road or from it lol...but i'd always walk everywhere with my music lol
Ke wandnot u (9:13:45 PM): this is so weird! so when do you turn 24?
yoyodood (9:16:24 PM): next february 8th
Ke wandnot u (9:17:54 PM): ah long ways away then lol...i'm 19 now....can you believe i was only 17 when i started goin to plymouth? lol...well just for like a month and a half lol
yoyodood (9:19:28 PM): wow. you know i remember you hanging around someone with a beard and glasses. i saw him at loon mtn the other day. do you still keep in contact with him?
Ke wandnot u (9:21:33 PM): oh haha Nick!! I hung out with him alot for a month or so..we were in chemistry class together...i actually went hiking with him twice and i still hadn't gotten a liscence yet back then so he'd let me practice on the stick shift car he has lol
Ke wandnot u (9:22:15 PM): of course i have a liscence now and i do way too much driving nowadays ...burn through alot of gas parents have yet to complain too lol
yoyodood (9:22:19 PM): thats cool
yoyodood (9:22:30 PM): i love driving, its like meditation
Ke wandnot u (9:23:11 PM): gah i still can't formulate a picture of you in my mind yet lol...once i do i'll prolly remember more about ya lol
yoyodood (9:23:37 PM): whatever, i wouldnt expect you too. im the one scaring you with all this info i know prolly
yoyodood (9:23:38 PM): lol
yoyodood (9:23:58 PM): wait i might be able to find one...
Ke wandnot u (9:24:03 PM): no not at all ! heh
yoyodood (9:24:57 PM): ... 6794cUHblO im on the right in the white shirt
Ke wandnot u (9:26:31 PM): oooh right okay!!! youre pretty attractive hah
yoyodood (9:27:00 PM): ****! we could have had somthing! Lol
Ke wandnot u (9:27:39 PM): yes! now i remember that incident where i'd said something to ya...its much clearer in the mind right now lol
yoyodood (9:27:55 PM): hahaha
Ke wandnot u (9:29:13 PM): hey i've thought about reapplyin lol
Ke wandnot u (9:31:08 PM): well actually for like a brief twenty min a few months ago....ive changed my mind completely about going back and trying again w/ the weather major....but yeah my plan now is to attend massart in boston....i'd like to get into 3-d computer animation...or might just stick w/ graphic design
Ke wandnot u (9:34:29 PM): yeah that computer class was my best class grades-wise
Ke wandnot u (9:34:30 PM): lol
yoyodood (9:35:49 PM): really, it was my worst, i took it twice haha
Ke wandnot u (9:36:22 PM): hehe..well i passed with a C...i'm not going to share the other grades i feel uncomfortable doing that lol
yoyodood (9:41:36 PM): hahaha
yoyodood (9:41:54 PM): i failed it
yoyodood (9:42:01 PM): my grades arent fabulous
yoyodood (9:42:43 PM): i kick myself for knowing inside you had social anxiety and i dint go up and talk to you
yoyodood (9:43:11 PM): ha i dealt with that for weeks, id go into class and be like "ill talk to her today, ask for some computer help or something"
yoyodood (9:43:14 PM): never happened
Ke wandnot u (9:46:04 PM): oh wow lol.....i think i was actually sitting next to you one day b/c i came in a little late and my other seat was taken...if we were working on something i was having trouble with i probably wouldve turned and asked for advice but i guess that day i understood everything okay and had no need to ask you for help : P
Ke wandnot u (9:51:45 PM): somedays i dress pretty out there ...and i died my hair blue so of course looking at me its really hard to see i'm socially anxious lol....i always give/or try to give/ a first impression that i'm absolutely normal...that i'm easy to talk to etc. etc. when of course i'm not that way : P
yoyodood (9:55:41 PM): hey sorry i was talking to my roomate
Ke wandnot u (9:56:35 PM): ooooo
Ke wandnot u (9:56:36 PM): lol
Ke wandnot u (9:57:09 PM): haha i hardly ever talk to mine anymore
Ke wandnot u (10:00:19 PM): i actually lived in a triple room for a short while...ah long story roomate's friend wasn't getting along with the two roomates in her triple so me and my roomate offered to switch w/ was a great loss of personal space but i'm adaptable wasn't all that bad after a while
Ke wandnot u (10:00:35 PM): i'd just go to the library more often for privacy
Ke wandnot u (10:00:39 PM): heh
yoyodood (10:01:01 PM): yeah
yoyodood (10:01:05 PM): roomates are tough
yoyodood (10:01:08 PM): its a luck thing
yoyodood (10:01:14 PM): you either get lucky or you dont
Ke wandnot u (10:01:49 PM): get along good w/ yours?
Ke wandnot u (10:14:13 PM): **** i've been on the computer for like four hours in a row
yoyodood (10:18:21 PM): sorry
Auto response from Ke wandnot u (10:18:21 PM): HEADACHE!!!!!
Ke wandnot u (10:18:38 PM): ha
yoyodood (10:18:49 PM): yeh we get along great. ive known them since the beginning of it all, we are all SA too hahah
Ke wandnot u (10:19:18 PM): i really do have a headache....too much chocolate icing lol....oh you are? nice! they on the board thing as well?
Ke wandnot u (10:19:19 PM): lol
yoyodood (10:20:33 PM): no
yoyodood (10:20:41 PM): ill let you go and cure your head
Ke wandnot u (10:21:11 PM): okies deffinately nice talking to you! makes me miss Plymouth state...nostalgia lol
yoyodood (10:21:29 PM): yea you too! ill cya around on the board
Ke wandnot u (10:21:39 PM): k! peace
So as I have confessed before in this journal, yes I have a Youtube vlog. Id started it officially in late 2008. Oct I think I posted first entry,it was very political, didn't have it public long, soon thereafter I put up a vid of my guitar tinkering, then I posted a muscle flexing video which was based on a random request and I followed through with it, silly me. That video saw 40K views in the first few weeks after posting and has slowly inched to over 70K views since then lol so that is still the most-watched video on there!
Anyway, through the years I still randomly occasionally uploaded a vlog and I did have some subscribers and regular followers. The subscribers has stayed roughly the same over time, 220 accounts, give or take a couple. I do post some political things still on there or just simply boring material - I explain on that channel the purpose is simply for my own therapy. It feels good to talk stuff out sometimes and not always write it out.
Anyway, in 2012 summer I was working at a Greenwich restaurant. I was a server there in fine upscale restaurant where I worked both lunches and dinners. A day I was working a double I chose to go on break on the gReenwich ave strip where a bunch of lunch restaurants and shopping is including an Apple store. Figuring it was nearing my boyfriend (now husband's) birthday that summer I found myself walking into there to search for an item for him. I think I settled on a watch band for his ipod nano (that he had never used actually!!) ...Anyway, as I was browsing the store I was caught being full-on stared at. A striking stare that sort of just makes you stop dead in your tracks. The kind of eye-piercing one where you think the person is opening up to say something. My eyes met his and he quickly edged his eyes away. I was at a far enough distance where it would've been a bit far to start a convo anyway... And I took the gesture as a bit odd and kept walking through. I found the watch thing and took it to check out, noticing the guy did look at me another time from across the room as I checked out. I can't recall now if I was shy about this and wanting to leave or if I wasn't creeped enough really and would've chatted had he engaged me. Anyway, I went back to work and didn't really think so much about it.
Later in the week I logged into Youtube and found a message...they have since removed the message feature so I have no record of the message and I cannot recall the screen name either. The message was asking if I was at the greenwich apple store the other day. I was like OHHHHHHHHHHHHH. So I replied that indeed was me! And he said something along the lines of me being even more attractive in person and that he tired to speak up but got a little tongue twisted and unsure and didn't. But that I was instantly recognized. That he's been watching my vlogs since the beginning and all. This blew me away. Because for one, my videos are followed by not only nation-wide viewers but WORLD wide viewers. And not alot of people seem to watch them. I have average 150 views per post...that's not very much at all! And just think of chances of that! And , I don't even tell people on there where I'm from in my bio and don't think I have mentioned by accident in a vlog (but don't hold me to that). Here's my vlog's About section:"Description I don't disclose my exact location but it is known that I am 23 years of age though I tell most I am 22. I'm into music and play keys and synth in a band which I will not release name of...I work two jobs as of now....and basically everything I am typing here has probably already been mentioned in a vid of mine :) Enjoy 'em but you prob won't enjoy them as much as me as I am kinda doing them for personal therapeutic reasons :) ~~~ I'm sentimental about previous bio from a few years ago so I'm leaving it like that :) Just wanted to say I'm finally available to you in HD!!!! :) Thanks to my new MacBook Xmas gift '14!"
He then asked me if I would like to meet sometime for coffee - I don't think I definitely told him yes or no and just dropped the convo. I had a boyfriend and I assumed him watching my vlogs he would know that fact. The messages lay in my inbox until Youtube prompted they would be deleted. I just let them delete. But , occasionally I wonder who that person was and if they still indeed watch my vlogs to date! Dont remember his account name , can't for the life of me remember it haha
Anyway, this was very very bizzare - BOTH internet scenarios. Unbelievable the odds of connecting someone from the online world, in world of billions of people, to actual places in the physical world - I still can't get over it. And I know feel a bit how a celebrity feels when a fan encounters them in person after seeing them on TV. Strange feeling that not everyone gets to experience I'd put it.