Oct 01, 2003 21:25
Today was a somewhat stressful day.. I'd just like to lay down and get a nice massage to relieve tension, or some crap like that. The girls at my school want everything done perfect but they don't wanna help to get it done.. it's making me mad. I'm ready to snap, but then I have to remember to keep my anger down.. And then my date for homecoming has to work.. oh well, I'm still gonna go. Last year I went w/o a date and I had loads of fun..especially when the fights broke out and we had to have about 7-10 Chicago police squad cars and a patty wagon come... And then Balloon shop was all busy today..thank GOD we got a new tank of helium, or else we'd be screwed.. For a day or two we had to do half helium and half blowing it up ourselves.. I didn't like all that blowing (ha!).
Today was Mismatch day.. I wore a cute designed shirt w/ a grey tank top over it and then my swimsuit dress over that.. and then plaid shorts and my huge plaid pajama pants on insideout and backwards.. and the classes were all messed up too.. it was kinda fun...
Ah well.. I'm just gonna go now.. ttyl later. <33