Oct 27, 2011 20:01
It has really dawned on me lately just how many people I know who are actually genuinely unhappy with their lives right now. It kind of makes me sad but on the other side, it really proves to myself how fortunate and blessed I am for my own life and my outlook on it.
Everyone has their own definition of their happiness and attitude. We all handle obstacles differently and in the end, we all come to a different outlook. Some are still thankful after a painful experience, some are bitter and others are indifferent. The people in my life, are all symptom to the same thing, they all are unhappy with one area of their lives but don’t really take much action in order to fix this.
Now, I am not trying to toot my horn and say I’m not sometimes victim to that too, because I am. But it just makes me feel bad that they can’t see the big picture.
This is your life, right now. Every breath you take, every second that passes. This is not a rehearsal, this is happening right now and you can’t get it back. It may seem overtly dramatic to think of it like that but it’s the truth. None of us know how long we each have on this earth. But somehow we all seem to take it for granted and continue to live in a rut aka unhappy. Life isn’t all bad and it could always be worse. I think my worst fear isn’t dying alone, it’s those final moments and thinking ‘why didn’t I?’
So why waste your time? I know some things we have to barrel thru in order to make it and ideally some of us can’t just switch things right away. But why waste the rest of your potential? You don’t like your job, go find somewhere else to work. You no longer like the person you’ve been with? Change it or leave it. You don’t like the people walking all over you? Stop letting them and be strong. It’s these things that none of us seem to really grasp when we’re in the situation and instead of trying to find a cure, we just keep having pity parties.
I don’t want to waste my time anymore. I have cut so much out of my life in the last five years that I’m slowly feeling the weight come off. I used to be a people pleaser, but I realized it got me nowhere faster than the next. I used to let people take full advantage of me but now I speak up. I’m still the same person, just tweaked to make sure, at the end of the day I’m the one happy.