Mar 02, 2005 20:58
So school was ok today. I got lots of compliments on my hair. I like it i guess, but now its always in my face and people told me that I look punk. I dont knw if Im mad because they said I looked punk or if its because they are labling people. Kaylas wasnt here 1st block so I got to listen to joe sparacino and dustin previo tell hunting stories -boring- That weird kid greg at lunch is like stalking me and everybody is callin me his girlfriend now.... it would be alright maybe if he brushed his teeth and took a shower even once a week along w/ extenisve plastic surgery and some of his brain cells back!
I have art tomorrow! woohoo I get a whole block to talk to my beautiful minhi and josh SPRIGLES!!! after school im goin to work I suppose and then the Harlem Rockets game w/ kayla and alicia!