Oct 02, 2006 16:52
For anyone who doesn't know me that well, the chances of me posting on a regular basis are slim to none, and slim is packing a suitcase as I type. I either don't have time, or don't feel like it, or what-have-you, so don't worry if I'm not around. I haven't died or lost my internet or anything tragic like that.
Well, now that that's taken care of...an update.
I got a full-time job at AIG that started today. Good money, amazing benefits, and decent hours are incentives enough to wade through 8 weeks of (PAID) training, the first 2 of which are devoted to passing a licensure exam. *shrug* Just another test. As a college graduate, I'm rather used to them by now.
Before said full-time job started, I was working as a telemarketer at a photo studio called Oakdale Images. Now, O.I. is owned by the Dave, brother of Rob, the man who owns Sunset Photo, and for whom my fiance works. Following me so far? Good. 2 weeks ago, Rob called Corey and asked if I was available to be a runner. He said he'd ask, and I said sure. So I was on loan for 2 weeks.
What is a runner, you ask? Well, at that time, I had no idea either. I discovered that a runner is the photographer's bitch. We help: load the van before leaving the office, unload at the shoot, set up, handle the organization of whoever is getting their pictures taken (all school shoots for me; school pix for all but one homecoming dance), pose the kids (if the photographer wants/needs the help), take down, load the van back up, unload back at the office, and put stuff away. *deep breath* Whew. Fun, huh? The short version is we handle all the stress we can so the photographer doesn't have to. On my last day (this past Wednesday), I received a wonderful compliment. A photographer I had worked with my (I think) third day told me, (and this is a paraphrase) "When I first worked with you, you were like a lost puppy who had no idea what was going on, but that was okay, since you actually didn't know what to do. But now, you're one of the best runners we've got".
Sure made me feel good about myself. Too bad that job only lasted 2 weeks. Of course, that one 15-hour day made me very, very sad. Clocked in at 3:51am, drove down to Hyde Park (near Poughkeepsie), was at a shoot most of the day, and drove back. Clocked out at around 6:40. And then fell down.
This past Thursday I went to NYC to see Neil Gaiman who did a reading and book signing of Fragile Things. It was AMAZING!!!!
...that's really all that needs to be said about that.
And on that note, I've run out of things to talk about. More later, I'm sure.