Mar 08, 2008 07:48
Today is a new page in the life of Sarah A. I am not going to expand much on it simple because I am a college student and it is way to early for me to be up on a Saturday. The reason however, for my early awaking would be to go meet my new boyfriends parents. Yes I said new boyfriend..... his name is Bryan Dennis. I could tell you the long drawn out story about how wonderful he is, how he asked me out last friday, how he asked my dad if he could date me.... but it would take me the remainder of my morning to record all of that in here. Hopefully I can update this with details later in time. Bryan is from Ohio and his parents are picking us up today to go watch one of his younger sisters play. I am missing Sam's concert so thats a bummer, but I promised I would do this long before Sam mentioned the concert to me. I am nervous... just a little to say the least. An hour and a half car ride with his parents to his home is going to be my introduction to the family. So a new page, a new weekend, and I will be home next weekend on SBreak :)! Shaking of the gitters... and here we go.