
Aug 22, 2012 17:47

No joke, Salome changed her mind sixteen times when trying to decided if she wanted to meet her birth mom.  It wasn't that she was scared but there was a real thought and fear that she would just lose it in the middle of the conversation and she didn't want to lose it.  Her father would get upset at Amanda and it wasn't this woman's fault that ( Read more... )

rp, richard, new-au

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soursanguine August 26 2012, 20:01:02 UTC
Her yelp gets another spell of dark laughter from him, one as warm as it is wicked. As she tries to pull away, his grip tightens and his hand finds the back of her neck, gripping tight to hold her still. His eyes blaze with joyful carnality as she puts up her little mock-struggle, and it doesn't slow him down a single bit. If anything it just makes him that much more intent on having his way with her.

"Not at first, no, I didn't think that." He grins and bends over her to kiss her shoulder blades, saying, "But once you came onto me, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. It's a present for your birthday, and it's a present for mine. Something we can both enjoy."

And oh, he does enjoy it more than she could possibly begin to know. It's a constant surge of power mingled with absolute adoration for her, and more than that, it's an incredible way to reconcile those two very separate sides of himself, the side of daddy and the side of Richard. There are still parts of himself he has to keep hidden, of course, but he feels so much freer now that he doesn't have to keep up the appearance of being nothing but the good daddy.

The sight of her climax, and the sensation of it around his cock, leaves him utterly helpless. He roars her name and drapes himself upon her, moans pouring from his mouth while he pounds straight through his darling girl's orgasm. The way she soaks him wet is sinfully erotic, and he give in, letting her drag him with her. With a few explosive bursts of pleasure, he finds his own orgasm, and collapses upon her to pant while, for a few blissful seconds, his mind is absolutely blank of everything but ecstasy.


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 20:14:43 UTC
Her thighs and hips ache. His weight, the way that he pounded into her, it leaves her sore and breathless. He is so much stronger then she is and between the first time and this time, she feels as though she has just run a marathon. Shuddering and gasping she takes his weight for as long as possible as he empties into her, and then, when he is finished, her knees and thighs give out and she sags down on to the bed under him. Stretching out she lets her fingers curl around the edge of the bed as her cheek presses to the mattress so her mouth is free to gulp for air.

She feels so fucking good. All she can do is lay there and let her body twitch and squeeze under him, trembling with those delightful aftershocks that she gets after he makes her come. So much better then when she does it to herself. It's just more powerful with him, more long lasting.

"Mmmmm I did come on to you," and he was so fucking easy, her father, the little slut. "I love it when we have daddy time."


soursanguine August 26 2012, 20:29:08 UTC
Oh, yes, her father is the very definition of a manwhore. But that was only part of the reason he let her have her way with him that first time. It was like she flipped a switch that day, and a light turned on, and suddenly the most non-sexual being on earth became an extremely erotic creature, indeed. And once that light is on, there's no turning it off. Not that he's complaining; some things are a pleasure to roll with.

The sound of her voice brings him back from that non-existent plane where boneless pleasure is the only reality. He groans low, chuckling while he lowers his head to kiss her shoulder and up the back of her neck. "I know, baby, I do, too. I love spending time with my gorgeous little princess." As he slides free of her, he leans up to nip the ridge of her ear. "There's nothing I like more than sharing such special things with you."

Arm slipping around her waist, Richard drags her with him as he lies back against the pillows. He clutches her to his chest, tucking her head beneath his chin, only bending his head to plant kisses upon the top of her head. To spend all of eternity doing nothing but this, ah. Bliss.


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 20:41:55 UTC
A deep, deep sigh. She is finally tired now. Such a deep tired that comes after going and going and finally stopping to realize that she is tired. There is no way she can move, not even a little bit, not even when he pulls himself from her and puts those kisses on her ear, and on the rest of her. Even if they are beautiful kisses. She feels hot and wet all over, damp with sex and sweat, his and hers, it's a wonderful feeling, dirty but clean all at the same time. Hot but painfully cool as well, especially when he pulls himself from her back and drags her with him up to the pillows.

She drapes herself over his chest. Blond and tan skin, long limbs, wrapping around him and pressing her face against him, breathing in his sex scent. Fuck, she loves him, she loves this easy feeling that they have together, especially afterwards.

"Let's not go back," she slurs her words, sex drunk and sleepy. "We can spend the rest of our lives out here, somewhere else, fucking. Fucking in each state. That would be awesome."


soursanguine August 26 2012, 21:27:38 UTC
It's the same exhaustion that permeates Richard. The desire to black out is overwhelming; exhaustion swells up behind his eyes and threatens to drag him down. Though he closes his eyes to let himself float in the post-sex haze, he doesn't allow himself to fall asleep. Not yet, no so long as she slurs sweet words against him.

He chuckles, squeezing her tight. "I've had that same thought," he says, his words murmured, "but I'm afraid it's unrealistic, darling...your mother would be displeased. Delilah, too, she'd be furious. Not to mention all our stuff is back in Ohio. Money and everything. And school for you." Richard laughs softly, burying his nose in her hair. "But what a nice thought it would be. Moving from hotel to hotel. Humbert and Lolita, two anonymous people among a sea of them. A man and his glorious little daughter."

He nuzzles against her, his face getting lost in the tangle of that blonde mane. "Besides. Better to enjoy the moment while you have it than try to extend it past its due."


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 21:33:40 UTC
"Yeah, but, you know, just for a little while." She loves curling and nuzzling into him. He is like a pair of really soft, warm pajamas, or the a set of sheets that are fresh from the dryer, after you've shaved your legs. It's an awesome feeling, wiggling and happy, all caught up in a warmth and deliciousness of life. She breathes him in and then out slowly and hides her face against his chest. She can't even argue with him, she sure as fuck doesn't agree with him. Fuck all that, the money, the school, Delilah and mom. They don't need any of that.

"Just a little while," her voice is softer, her fingers curling and uncurling through the soft hairs on his chest. Yeah, no, this is heaven and there is no need for logic or anything else in heaven. Just them and room service, wouldn't that be so, so nice? So very nice.


soursanguine August 26 2012, 21:47:13 UTC
"Vile little temptress." He chuckles, kissing the top of her head. "It's all or nothing with something like that. There's no 'just a little while' when running away, darling girl. All or nothing. Imagine it...we're gone six months, then show up one day. There's your mother, tapping her foot. 'And where were you two?' 'Oh, nowhere, just on a cross-country fuck tour...'" He laughs at himself and strokes her hair as she buries her face in his chest.

Though the idea is tempting. Sorely tempting. Ill-thought-out plans always have a bad habit of appealing to him. He can see it, traveling from coast to coast, hustling dope for gas money or robbing stores, maybe. Fucking like rabbits all the while. Wouldn't that be lovely.

"Maybe once you've graduated," he murmurs, laughing quietly.


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 21:51:11 UTC
Leaning up, she kisses him, her hand on his cheek and her mouth moving slowly, languidly over his, swollen and hot from sex and the brutal kisses that they share. "We would have the best times of our lives, doing whatever we want, whenever, fucking everywhere. Who would care if anyone found out that you were my dad? We'd be gone the next day. Mmmm, it would be so much fun." She brushes her teeth over his bottom lip and then grins before sinking back down on to his chest and the warm spot there that is just for her.

"It's so fucked up, it would be awesome."


soursanguine August 26 2012, 22:08:03 UTC
"Maybe we'll see, lovely girl," he says, chuckling as he tilts his head into her kisses. They could play Starkweather and Fugate, or Bonnie and Clyde, but more successful than either, maybe, a delightful cross-country spree. What a sweet game it would be. His mouth opens to drift lazily against hers, the scrape of her teeth provoking a low sigh. It's impossible for his eyes to open, and not simply because he's so drained. Somehow the temptation would double.

No, better to keep his tired eyes shut and kiss her blindly, and tell her, "We'll see, we'll see, it would be beautiful but unwise, but maybe it'll happen, yet. You never know what the future will bring, now do you."


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