
Aug 22, 2012 17:47

No joke, Salome changed her mind sixteen times when trying to decided if she wanted to meet her birth mom.  It wasn't that she was scared but there was a real thought and fear that she would just lose it in the middle of the conversation and she didn't want to lose it.  Her father would get upset at Amanda and it wasn't this woman's fault that ( Read more... )

rp, richard, new-au

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sweetsalome August 26 2012, 00:01:58 UTC
"Hmmmmmm," she smirks at that idea. She is slowly growing to come to enjoy his homicidal tendencies, and she is pretty sure, that on some level he is being honest with what he is saying. What she doesn't know is that he would actually do that. "I like when you get possessive, daddy, I like knowing you would tear down men for me." Because that seems like a very handy tool to have when you are young and want to get what you want.

That being said she could be an awfully useful tool for him as well. It would be so very easy to work her up in the same sort of rage that he possesses or whisper a request in her ear. She would do it. For him she would do anything. Anything. As a teenager she is completely morally flexible, if not completely morally bankrupt, so that also works well in his favor.

She leans up into his kiss and slowly climbs to her knees as her hands move over his bare shoulders, his sides, over his back, always kissing him, loving his mouth and his lips with happy sighs. "No? I thought most men knew what to do when a girl comes on to them. Maybe you've spoiled me for the rest of the species, dad."


soursanguine August 26 2012, 00:32:46 UTC
Someday, she'll discover just how dead serious he is, and he'll see how much she likes his possessiveness. But until then, he's happy to return her smirk and lean close to brush his lips across hers, down her jaw and throat while his hands roam lazily over the beautiful expanse of her body. "It would be my pleasure, leaving a trail of suitors who wronged you." And suitors who didn't wrong her.

He has thought many times before about how far he might be able to utilize her loyalty. It's very easy to wind her up, as easy as it is to wind Delilah up. Every once in awhile he gets the vague thought that his daughter might appreciate his art, if not as a participant, then as a distant admirer whose appreciation is derived by the thrill of such danger. But he doesn't want to push it. That's something that could end badly, particularly if rushed into. A little bit at a time.

"Most men do," he says, chuckling, "but history has shown time and time again that Julius hardly qualifies as a man. He wouldn't know how to please you like I do. Nobody else could." His palms rove down her ribs and waist, resting upon her hips while he kisses her ear. "They're a bunch of peasants. You need someone who really knows how to handle you. Your daddy, not some pathetic proto-man like Julius."


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 00:43:42 UTC
A woman scorned and all of that. Seriously. Between the two of them it would be pretty easy to set the world on fire, at least their small portion of the world. It would be really hard to picture two cute as a button women going on a killing spree but he attracts crazy bitches. He is blood in the water for crazy bitch sharks, and that is just something that he is going to have to live with. It could be worse, they could be attacking him. That seems incredibly unlikely given their relationship however. It's more like worship and kisses then violence and mayhem.

Except for that one time.

And probably when he brings Delilah in to live with him.

And then marries her.

Then Salome might go insane and do things she regrets. Maybe. It depends. At the moment she is feeling very good, especially under his kisses and the caress of his hands, and she reaches out for him to return those caresses, nails lightly dragging over the skin of his chest and in between his legs once again to see if enough time has passed so they can play again.

"I think you're right, I think that there is no one else in the world that can make me feel the way that you do, dad. Just like there is no one who could take my place with you. It just wouldn't be the same, now would it?"


soursanguine August 26 2012, 01:15:52 UTC
They completely could. They'd make a marvelous, extremely deadly team, those girls. And what's wrong with them attacking him, really? He loves it when the girls get feisty, so long as it's appropriately applied and not in front of company. A bit of violence is good for a man's soul when he can fend off the girls who are committing it.

And if she does snap and does something she regrets, well, he'll get over it eventually, depending on the nature of the offense. If it's really bad, like letting him know that she's fucking someone else, or going after Julius, something like that--yeah, then there's going to be some serious trouble. But if it's something like assaulting him, or trying to burn down the house, well.

There are worse things than little infractions such as those.

Frankly he can't even fathom being made at her right now, not with the hand that drifts between his legs, not with the nails that ghost over him. He shudders pleasurably, a low moan crooning from his lips, and rests his hand against her cheek. He tilts his head to push his lips against hers. "And nobody loves you the way I do, either. All those other boys offer such silly, hollow experiences no matter what they say or think--but I give you more than just a good fuck, don't I." He nips her lower lip and brushes his nose against hers, smiling. "And you offer me the same, a thousand things no other women possibly could. My one and only darling daughter. Oh, how I do adore you."


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 01:25:55 UTC
It's good that he thinks like that. In case his house was to go up in flames. Good thing he is a liberal minded kind of mind when he comes to that. It will take her some time to come to terms that he is married when it happens, and coming to terms just might mean flames. Or destroying something beautiful.

He could always get another house though, so, there's that. It's all about perspective, some people lack it and others are consumed by it. It would be easy to attack something that isn't him, but it would be most satisfying attacking him like that night, and even then there wasn't much punishment afterward. There is this thought in her head still that if she was that angry again she would have to find someone else to take it out on. She still hasn't found that person.

"Yeah, you do, you love me, dad. I know you do. No one could ever love me the way that you do. You take me as I am." Her fingers wrap around his cock and she strokes him slowly, teeth brushing over his bottom lip and then sinking down into it as she touches him, exploring him in that easy way that he lets her do. He says the best things in the world, how could she ever be angry at him? He adores her, she knows that he does, she can feel it all through her, and she knows that no matter what, she will always be his and he'll always be hers.


soursanguine August 26 2012, 02:21:46 UTC
Her last little fit, her attack, didn't really end up with a punishment because it didn't exactly get very far, and her attempt to choke him came off as precocious at worst. Really, it depends on how far the fire gets. He likes his stuff. Not that he's a materialist, well, but stuff costs valuable money. But, if he can at least keep it from destroying anything important, then he can deal with it.

You know, after she's been thoroughly punished and forbidden from ever having fun again for a whole year. Maybe he'll put her in manacles and make her break rocks. She can sing songs to pass the time.

Now, taking it out on a third party? More power to her. He'd even encourage it. Maybe mentor her in really making another human being suffer.

You know. A healthy teaching experience.

Richard's mouth drops open as her fingers wrap around him, the scrape of her teeth against his lips so sweet his head swims. Slowly, between kisses, his body starts to wake up, and in the meantime his fingers gather in her hair. "You're really insatiable, aren't you, darling." He laughs and shakes his head. "To think I thought I was bad. I really do need to see if I could get Delilah to play with you. Otherwise I'll never have five minutes to rest, my God. It's a matter of survival."

Sexy, sexy survival.


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 02:38:33 UTC
Nobody knowssss the sexy trouble I've seennnnnnn. Nobody knowwsssss but Jesusssss.

"How do you think she'll react, daddy? When you ask her to spend some quality time with your daughter and when she asks you have to explain that she needs to keep my cunt occupied until your dick recovers?" He'll probably put it more eloquently, he has a better way with words then she does, for certain. When he begins to wake up she grins and lets go of his cock and instead puts her hand on his chest to gently push him on to his back so she can be on top.

She wants to kiss all over him, all over his chest, his throat, letting her hands roam all over him in a way that she is beginning to learn very, very well. He feels so fucking good, and she loves to press her body up against his and her lips against his. Plus, he has been so kind with his hand in between her legs that she wishes to return the favor with her mouth in between his legs.

"I can't help it, daddy, I need it and you're the only one I can get it from. Unless you want to find me someone or something else to play with." A grin and she begins to move down the line of him and in between his legs.


soursanguine August 26 2012, 03:02:45 UTC
Richard laughs and shakes his head. "I don't know how much she'd appreciate my attempt at a tag-team effort. You have to warm people up to a concept like that nice and slowly, anyway." He lays back as she pushes his chest, happy to go with the flow and let her have control.

"Oh, darling, even your kisses." He sighs softly, brushing her hair back down her neck. "They're adorable as they are erotic, you drive me mad, Salome." Particularly when she starts to make that slow descent, kissing her way down to his cock; it gets a shudder rippling through him, and his fingers scratch gently over her scalp, combing back her blonde locks and grinning down into her beautiful eyes.

"I don't think that's necessary." Smirking, he reaches up to grab a pillow and swat her in the butt with it. "Unless you feel like playing with mommy, that I might not argue with. I know you can hardly stand her, though. Besides, it would be a bad idea to let Susan on to what we have." With another, put-upon sigh, Richard drapes his hand over his eyes. "I suppose I'll just have to keep you busy. Raising a girl takes so much energy, my God."


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 03:21:27 UTC
"Nice and slow, you could charm a drowning man into buying a glass of water." If anyone could get anything from Salome and Delilah, Richard is it. Jesus himself could come down from heaven and Salome wouldn't follow him anywhere unless her father said it was alright to do so. This is why organized religion probably wouldn't have much affect on her, she already has a dogma and a holy leader.

Her mouth wraps around the head of his cock, and she grins up at him. There is no better taste then her cunt on him, she loves licking him clean afterward, she loves knowing that what has dripped and coated him was from her, and it is so very delicious. After wetting the head of him she lets the flat of her tongue slide down the underside of him, licking, long, long licks with a flat tongue, wetting him and stroking him while her hand wraps around the base of him, squeezing his sac. Oh the noises he makes, and oh how he reacts to her. She worships his cock, him, his cock, one in the same, not unlike the holy trinity.

"Susan?" She lifts her head to look at him, eyebrows lifting and her brain slowly trying to work that over. The mental image that springs to mind makes her smirk a little bit and she lets her head drift down to place kisses all down the line of his cock. "Would you like to see me between mommy's legs, licking her cunt till she tells me to stop?"


soursanguine August 26 2012, 03:31:51 UTC
And that's exactly what's wonderful about being a parent with a good grasp of human psychology. It's like having a built-in little follower. He grins at her turn of phrase and waves his hand. "You little flatterer. I simply have a way with words, and an interest in expand the horizons of those few people I'm fond of."

Richard's hips arch as that wonderful little mouth wraps around him; he moans low, his cock getting harder by the second as she sets to work. So talented, his girl, he could keep her down there for hours. The sight of her flat tongue stroking down the length of his cock is utterly hypnotic, as beautiful as the hand that squeezes him and leaves him moaning her name. "Oh, Christ, baby, that's it." Head tilting, he strokes her hair and grins down upon her while she plays in his lap. "You look so lovely playing with daddy's cock. I love to see you having such a good time with it."

The teasing little kisses that trace down the length of him make his eyes roll up into his head, as much as the breath that comes with her words does. "I'd love to see you and mommy play together," he says, exhaling slowly. "It would be beautiful. Not quite as beautiful as you and Delilah together, but oh, Goddamn. And your mommy gets rough, too. Not quite the way daddy does, but still, you'd have fun." He grins, combing back her hair from her beautiful face, every twinge of pleasure like the roll of a wave crashing upon the shore. "See, princess, daddy doesn't mind you playing with girls. And in the right context, he'd even love it. It's the boys he doesn't trust."


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 03:42:17 UTC
"I like playing with your cock. I like tasting myself on you, that is what I like the best, it makes me feel so dirty knowing I was the last one on you and that I get to clean up what I left behind with my tongue." The tip of her tongue plays with the tip of him, licking and sucking, letting her tongue flick out over him again and again. She loves the silk of his head, how it feels against her tongue and the roof of her mouth, what happens when her teeth scrape over it. He makes the best fucking sounds and when he watches her, Jesus Christ.

She wraps her lips around him and pulls him deeper into her mouth, letting her eyes flick up to his face to watch him watching her. A silent acknowledgement that she is sucking his cock, like when she watches him disappear up inside of her. It makes it more real, more vile and she loves it, she loves every rotten minute of it.

"What does her cunt taste like, daddy?" He has her thinking, she is always thinking, but this revolves more around what she can get when she is not with him. To see if she can find what he sees in the woman that she calls mother. There would be a wonderful surge of power and pleasure to see the ice queen on her knees in between her legs. "Why are girls okay and boys not?" She begins the up and down of her head on his cock, sucking him as her head bobs.


soursanguine August 26 2012, 04:14:01 UTC
Every scrape of her teeth is like a static shock of mingled pleasure and pain; poor Salome, having a masochist for a daddy. She's probably going to be a bit confused at first when her boyfriends tell her off for letting her teeth creep into the picture. But he loves it, the mild pang brought on by sensitivity, particularly as it bleeds into the other sensations of his daughter's holy mouth. A little reminder that he's at her mercy as much as he is in power when she's got her beautiful blonde head in his lap.

She used to be so young. Sweet. Unassuming. Incredible, the difference time makes.

Richard's legs relax completely, splaying slightly while she works his length. As her eyes flicker up to his, he grins. "You have the most beautiful eyes, princess, daddy loves to watch you suck his cock so much he can't stand it. Oh, so beautiful." He coos the words, sighing in desire while pleasure echoes up from his pelvis and into his head.

Tongue running over his teeth, he grins. "It tastes lovely. Soft and feminine, completely erotic. Not as mouth-watering as yours, perhaps, but not much is." He chuckles, that smile looking like it should have fangs for all the insatiability that lies in lecherous wait behind it. It would no doubt be difficult in Salome's situation to understand the appeal of Susan; it's the way some people see smoking for the poison it is and seek to avoid it, yet others see the poison but feel the pleasure outweighs the pains.

After a moment of thought that's hampered by her head bobbing over him, the sensation of her sucking lighting his nerves on fire and making his skull swell, he glances back down to her beautiful eyes. "Girls are okay because girls aren't competition to me, babydoll. They're not...subconsciously seeking to replace me, necessarily. Because girls are far lovelier than boys. I always like women far more than I like men. Men are repulsive animals, with a few exceptions. Most don't even deserve to be in the same room as you."

So, basically, 'jealousy' is the short answer there.


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 04:24:59 UTC
Isn't that a thing to remember? When her head is down in his lap, head bobbing away happily. That same head with the hair he used to brush into pig tails. And the same head that would cling to him when they would go on the Merry-go-round. Who he used to chase around the playground, hold while she tried to cross the monkey bars so high off the ground. He used to push her on swings before her legs learned how to push herself. All those lovely little memories, precious from childhood. Do they come flooding back when she is sucking his cock? He was letting her be a child and training her to grow up to be a young adult, and probably not once was this skill set high on his list of things she would never know or he would ever have to teach her about.

Not that he had to do much teaching, but Salome will let him think that she is the only man she has ever sucked off. To be sure, the boys she was with before him hardly count as men.

She breathes him in, and smiles as he compliments her as he serenades her with his soft words. He likes her eyes. She likes that he likes her eyes, they are, probably the one thing she finds herself being self conscious about, appearance wise. Of course one of those eyes clearly link her to him.

She doesn't get it at all. She loves her father mostly for his warmth, the way that he takes her in and holds her without any expectations of repayment. That's not like Susan at all. Everything is a transaction, everything is tit for tat and she doesn't like having to be on her toes all the time. She loves him because he takes her in and loves her, no questions asked.

As he talks she takes him deeper, sucking harder, humming happily as she works him into her throat, her always and constant goal. It takes some getting used to, but at one point she most definitely wants to take him all into her mouth. "I don't think any boy could replace you, daddy. I like women, they are lovelier, but cock is much nicer."


soursanguine August 26 2012, 04:44:37 UTC
Of course they do. Those memories feed the reality of the situation and make it burst with horror. To think she was once so small. To think this head once rested in his lap in a purely innocent way. To think she'd fall asleep against him and it was because she'd worn herself out playing in the snow, not playing in bed. Helping her learn to swim, seeing her off on her first day of school, surprising her for her birthdays, letting her ride on his shoulders and cling to his waist. Oh, those pigtails were adorable. Everything about her has always been adorable. Even this, this is adorable, with those sweet eyes and that darling mouth. She can do no severe wrong, his Salome, and has never really been able to. Not in his eyes. The occasional, small transgression here or there, sure. But all of it, forgivable. Ignorable.

Sometimes it's best to bury his head in the sand. he's not a stupid man. He knows that if she's his daughter, then she gets up to plenty with the boys from her school. But if he acknowledged that reality, he'd be too furious to function without committing a murder that'd end up too high-profile to risk.

If he knew she were self-conscious about her eyes he would be stunned. He might even laugh because he couldn't help it. They're his favorite part of her, those eyes, he's drawn them a thousand times over the years and echoed their color in infinite mediums. Those eyes are beautiful eyes. Salome's eyes. His daughter's eyes.

The way she takes him deeper, or, at least, begins to, makes him moan. "Oh, Salome, fuck." His fingers tighten in her hair and his toes curl at the sensation of being guided into his daughter's throat. "You're getting so good at this, baby. Someday soon you might even be able to swallow me whole."

He chuckles, his lips curling back from his teeth in a dark grin while his fingers tickle against her scalp. "Of course no boy could replace me, but I don't like the idea of them trying to. Not at all. If you ever start properly dating I'll buy a shotgun to clean while your boyfriends introduce themselves."


sweetsalome August 26 2012, 04:57:10 UTC
To think of those moments now, for her, make it ten times better and ten times worse for her. There are moments. Very few and far between in which she feels guilt for what they do together in bed. That something that they once had, something sweet and pure, is now gone, forever erased from the map, unable to ever get back no matter how hard they tried. That's the thing, people try too hard to hang on to the past, they try and grab it and recreate it over and over, but you can never go back, that's what Gatsby learned, that there is no going back, that time marches forward and people evolve and grow.

This is just a new stage of growth. She couldn't remain his small, innocent little girl forever, that just wasn't possible. Now. Now they have this, this play. This fucking. This love making. Whatever they want to call it. It's a new level, a new stage, this is how people grow.

Her hands slide over his thighs as she finally lifts her head from his lap and licks her lips. Her hands continue their path upward, over his chest, putting kisses on him as she travels with them. There is always such reluctance to leave his cock but she wants to feel him inside of her once again, that's always what she wants, he should be inside of her.

"I want to swallow you whole. I want to start at your toes and eat you piece by piece, I want to hollow you out so only your bones and skin remain and once you're empty I want to climb inside of you and never, ever leave." Hips to his hips, forehead to his forehead she breathes him in, she stares into his eyes until her hips push down and she takes him inside of her, slowly. Achingly slow.


soursanguine August 26 2012, 05:28:44 UTC
Guilt is a paltry waste of emotion. Richard can at least intellectually understand many things even if he doesn't actually feel them, but guilt--it astonishes him that people could actually allow themselves to feel such a thing. He looks back at those moments and they hammer the point home, and in a strange way the feel related in that they set the stage for their relationship now, but they're separate things. That was their relationship then, and in many ways it is still how he feels about her, protective and adoring, with a desire to love and teach. But it has evolved forward, for the better, and in real life once the big bad wolf eats the little girl in the red hood there's no getting her back out of his stomach--but that just means she's bound to be a part of him forever.

There are fragments of that innocent little girl still within her, like big shards of mirror glass. He has no trouble reconciling the image of his innocent princess with his wicked girl. They bleed into one another, and though her wicked side certainly seems to overtake the other, he has no doubt that his little girl will always be within her. That he'll always be able to catch a glimpse of sweetness in the lilt of her giggle, in the tone of her whine, in her face while she sleeps, in her voice while she pleads.

You can't hold on to the past, no, but sometimes you can merge it with the present.

As those hands and kisses begin to traverse upward, he grins and spreads his arms. His hands frame her beautiful face, fingers tangling in her hair as her body aligns so well with his. His thumb strokes over her cheekbone, back and forth while she speaks, his grin ever-widening. Now that's the kind of declaration of love that makes sense to him, and it makes his heart swell with joy to hear. "Oh, princess, I know exactly what you mean, my darling girl. But don't you know you're already inside me? When you were about two you tore out my heart to make a space for yourself and you've been there ever since."

While she gazes into him and begins to slowly, so slowly impale herself upon his length, he groans and brushes his damp mouth against hers. "I know what you mean. I want to eat you alive. Sometimes I look at you and I want to sink my teeth into your flesh and take a big bite out of you. Oh, Salome, darling, Christ--" His hips press up toward his, slowly working to meet hers. "Babydoll, my bones ache when I look at you."


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