
Aug 22, 2012 17:47

No joke, Salome changed her mind sixteen times when trying to decided if she wanted to meet her birth mom.  It wasn't that she was scared but there was a real thought and fear that she would just lose it in the middle of the conversation and she didn't want to lose it.  Her father would get upset at Amanda and it wasn't this woman's fault that ( Read more... )

rp, richard, new-au

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soursanguine August 23 2012, 19:23:50 UTC
[No worries! Oh, lj, why you gotta be such a jerk?]

If he'd been thinking ahead, or expecting to run into Salome's mother, he might have brought some benzos for her. Just a little something to take the edge off. Unfortunately for Salome, however, he's not psychic, and so she'll have to settle for breathing exercises.

The drink doesn't come soon enough. Listen to that bitch, already calling her 'honey'. Yeah, she calls everybody 'honey', she's a waitress, but fuck her. This is his daughter to call pet names, not hers. He disappears into his drink as soon as it shows, then glances to Salome as she squeezes his hand.

"Well, now, as I've said before, Salome, it's not hard with you for a daughter." He squeezes her hand in return and then resumes his instant love affair with his drink, taking another long pull of it before lowering it away to nod at Amanda's words. "That's what I've been telling her. This whole situation has been quite surreal for us, as you can imagine."

Though not unfamiliar, sadly.

Setting his glass down, he tilts his head. "So what happened to you after Salome was born? Was it then that you moved to Virginia? Or after?"


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 19:42:03 UTC
"I can't even imagine - I didn't know what Susan had said or not..." Her voice trails off and she gives an envious look to his drink. They all want to drink apparently but on Richard is allowed to. No worries, she'll just take a long, long drink of her water and then wipe her mouth off with the edge of her napkin.

Salome actually likes being called 'honey,' and the slight accent this woman seems to have.

"I went to Arizona after you were born. I had a bad habit when I got pregnant with you, I was an addict plain and simple. I'm sure your dad told you that. I couldn't love anything except what got me high, I was selfish. You should realize that, it took a long time for me to realize it unfortunately. So know that it was me that was wrong, not you." A deep breath and she looks back up at Salome since had been fiddling with the edge of her menu.

"I went to Arizona and got messed up even worse then before and got locked up. It was after that when I traveled back home, here, tried to get my life back on track." Her eyes are getting wet, all her practicing this in her head isn't apparently helping her. All these emotional people, Richard better get another drink.


soursanguine August 23 2012, 19:57:15 UTC
"Yes, it, ah, seems that may have slipped her mind." He smirks mildly and squeezes the lime wedge into his drink. There's something satisfying about being the only one at the table allowed to drink. It's a petty thing, it really is. He's almost tempted to get Salome a little glass of wine or something.

"Tsk, Arizona." That figures. He wouldn't mind heading out there himself, just to see, but to stay? No, he prefers cities and civilization to the wild west. Not much of a cowboy, unfortunately. Although he does approve of the fact that she emphasizes that Salome is not to blame in any of this. "Quite a ways away. Glad to hear you've gotten it together so well, though."

Oh, Jesus Christ, is she seriously already crying? They've been sitting here for like five minutes and she's already getting all misty. This does not bode well at all. For fuck's sake...he sips his drink and lowers his glass, saying, "It seems to me you do have your life back on track. Amanda is clean, now," he says, glancing to Salome. "And a godly woman, by all appearances."

He wants his own tongue to shrivel up and vanish, being this pleasant in front of this woman. It's so hard not to give into the urge to grind salt into the wounds. But he has to look like a gentleman in front of Salome, has to play good dad. Sometimes it's infuriating, how at odds his true self is with his fatherly public front.


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 20:09:35 UTC
It turns out that the only person this is going to be awkward for is Richard. All these soft, weepy women who are around him, who are blond no less. He is going to have to go out and kick a puppy or something afterward to get his hate back on.

Salome on the other hand is reaching out to pat her arm sympathetically as she listens to this woman's story. It will slowly sink in that it isn't her, but this woman in front of her that is at fault, and at least she is being honest with that, no cover ups or excuses. It takes a certain person too be able to do that. She has been taught to appreciate honesty, and of course keep secrets.

"Yeah," she smiles a bit bashfully at that. "One day at a time, it's real hard, but worth it. I'm not perfect by any means but I feel good about my life now."

Smiling, she give's Sal's reassuring hand a squeeze before she sits back.

"Would you mind tellin' me about yourself? What you're into? Golly you're such a beautiful young lady, all grown. So proper and confident, you're certainly your daddy's girl."

Even Sal can't help but giggle at that.


soursanguine August 23 2012, 21:50:51 UTC
Yeah, there's a lot of super-saccharine estrogen here for him to deal with at once. It's like he's trapped in a corner. He's probably going to have to get used to it, though, considering how sweet and feminine Delilah is. His biggest concern about her eventually moving in is that the chick flick ratio is probably going to skyrocket when Salome is visiting.

Holy shit, this woman just said 'golly'. What the fuck.




He grins mildly, though, when she says that Salome is his daddy's girl, and he pats her hand in response. "Oh, she certainly is. The absolute apple of my eye." His hand slides from the table to rest in his lap. Though still overwhelmed by the word choice, it's not so bad that he can't reach beneath the tablecloth and squeeze his daughter's thigh with one hand while he nurses a drink with the other.


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 22:25:08 UTC
Yeah, it's going to get bad, and the amount of hair and make up products in the bathroom will be outrageous and he'll be subject to it all. He should probably take a good, hard look at his life and just realize that he doesn't need a girlfriend, he just needs Salome. Yup, clearly the solution to the problem.

You like that Golly? Fuck yeah you liked it, you liked it REAL GOOD Richard, and get used to it because it is probably going to happen again.

Salome is talking about school, and how she likes to swim and sail, surf, all things that begin with the letter S, who knows how that happened. When his hand finds her thigh her voice catches slightly in her throat and she has to reach out to take a drink of her water now. Her cheeks are growing pink, no doubt, and she finds her heart hammering in her chest, they could get caught. Caught! By her biological mother no less and that makes her swallow her water down hard. Her legs spread slightly and her knee presses and brushes against his.

"Maybe we should order, I think our waiter is giving us looks." It's Sal's suggestion because she is slowly figuring out that she would actually like to eat.

"Do you take her to all of those activities? She must keep you real busy, Richard."


soursanguine August 23 2012, 22:39:06 UTC
Shit, in for a penny, in for a pound. If he didn't have Delilah in his life he'd have Salome with him all the time and the situation with having a bathroom full of make-up and hair crap would be similar. Why not take it the full nine yards and let them fill all his bathrooms with frou-frou garbage?

The sound of her voice as it catches in her throat makes him grin crookedly into his glass, but the coloring that kisses her cheeks is perhaps the most alluring part. As her knee bumps his, he squeezes, the tips of his fingers stroking the flesh of her thigh through the fabric of her skirt. They creep down toward her knee, ghosting around the hem of her skirt before curling just beneath.

Oh, yes. They certainly could get caught, and it would be a disaster. Scandalous. Why, the very idea could make a man's hair stand up.

"That sounds like a good plan," he says, moving his hand from Salome's lap only to wave the waiter over. He places his own order, along with a request for another vodka tonic, since this one is halfway down. While the women place their orders, his hand finds its place again, stroking the soft skin of her knee before making a slow ascent up her thigh.

As the waiter leaves, and Amanda asks her question, he forces a polite smile. "Oh, indeed, she certainly keeps my hands full." His fingers creep up, curling against the silk skin of her thigh. "It's a team effort, between her mother and myself. Susan has her most days, although she's going to be spending a bit more time with me, so I'm sure I'll be carting her to and fro far more often."


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 22:49:49 UTC
He loves it. Bitch loves it so much. He can pretend to look down his nose and bitch about it, but really he loves it, he loves being surrounded by women who will, at any time, suck his cock or spread their legs from him. It's a little like bigamy except a lot more looked down upon by society and a lot more secret.

His fingers. His fingers are driving her crazy. She can feel her eyes glaze over as he teases her and takes more and more liberties with the skin and the hem of her skirt. What makes it even more intense for Salome is the fact that they are in an open restaurant across from a woman who, well, would certainly, certainly look down upon them for their behavior. He keeps insisting that she couldn't make trouble for them but she is pretty sure that she could make their lives miserable for a time.

It is so fucking hard to focus on her menu, she sort of knows what she wants to eat but she can't see it on the page and she certainly can't form the words to order it. Finally she swallows down some more water and orders a summer salad with blue cheese dressing on the side. The waiter takes the menus and smiles at the little group before heading back to place them.

"That's good! I can imagine Susan is real good to you," and Salome nods. Amanda is going to keep her stronger opinions about Susan to herself. "I am glad she is taking care of you, I'm sure she is a good mom," because even Amanda knows that Susan is the one that's always been there.


soursanguine August 23 2012, 23:04:28 UTC
Of course he loves it. If he didn't love it he'd tell them all to fuck off and go live in a cabin in the woods by himself. But he adores his women--his Salome, his Delilah, Susan who isn't his and never will be--and all the challenges that come with them, even if it means giving up counter space.

Oh, sure, an open restaurant, but there's a tablecloth. It'll be fine, he's sure. And let the bitch try to make their lives miserable. There's a whole lot of water out there, and it's pretty easy for something immobile to get swept out to sea.

"Susan has been immensely helpful to the both of us." He shows his teeth in a quick smile and strokes along Salome's thigh, fingertips drawing up and then down. Why, who could possibly think this was anything but gentle affection? A bit untoward, perhaps, beneath her skirt, but he's her father. There's nothing dirty about their relationship, not at all. "I think we could both agree that she has her less than desirable qualities, but on the whole, she's been very good to Salome. Although I've done quite a bit of work, myself."

His fingers sink into her skin and he smiles, glancing over at Salome to admire the nuances of her expression. "Not that it's work, really, she's always been a pleasure to raise." Particularly lately. "It was a shock to receive her, naturally, but I've always been glad to have such a good daughter in my life."


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 23:23:32 UTC
Her eyelids flutter slightly and she reaches up to touch her cheek, moving her fingers near her eye as if there was something in her eye and not her reacting to the fact that her father is stroking her thigh under the hem of her skirt. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She spreads her legs slightly some more, wanting his fingers. He is going to be the death of her. She is thinking about slipping over on to his lap and pulling up her skirt so he can feel what he is doing to her, and feel him as close as possible in this situation.

"You certainly aren't that kid from all them years ago." She glances at Salome and smiles big but doesn't show teeth, she tries not to when she can. "Even back then he wasn't very different from how he is now, maybe a bit more wild, but he had the same smile." Not that she is trying to rub any salt in the wound but she does appear to be interested on how he adapted to the life of being a father.

"It had to have been. I - I didn't know she was planning on telling you about the baby," Amanda looks over at Richard before glancing down at her fingers. "It makes a person grow up really fast."


soursanguine August 23 2012, 23:35:08 UTC
Bitch, you don't even know me. You never knew me. He wants to tell her that but he bites his tongue. "Yes, well," he chuckles and glances politely to the waiter who comes by with a new glass for him, "I needed a kick in the ass, and Susan was only capable of doing so much on her own. Besides, of course I'm not the kid I was back then, I don't have the energy to be so superbly stupid anymore. One has to conserve one's resources for important things."

Important things like toying with his daughter beneath a restaurant table. As she spreads her legs more, he smiles sweetly and slides his hand up, his fingertips curling to just barely brush against the fabric of her panties. While he does this, he barely even looks at her, continuing his conversation with Amanda, so casual, so smooth.

"It was good for me. Salome as always been good for me, even back then when I didn't really know what to do with her. Granted, it took some getting used to, some serious time to adapt to my new situation, and it did have its difficult moments at first. But I find fatherhood suits me." His index finger sweeps against her, just barely teasing her through the fabric.

"Of course Susan was planning on telling me about the baby, did you think she was really just going to raise Salome by herself?" He chuckles and shakes his head. "One can only manage so much. And Salome may have been a relatively good child, she's always been a clever girl. And clever girls can be difficult to manage on one's own."


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 23:44:58 UTC
She tries to keep her lips together, thinking about how she used to touch herself at night and have to be so, so very quiet but this is giving her a run for her money. She finds herself breathing hard through her nose, her hand going to the linen napkin and putting it to her mouth as if that would cover up the fact that she wants to scream out and push her hips and cunt up against his hand.

Lowering her napkin and hands down on to her lap she just smiles as her father talks about raising her and growing up, manning up, becoming a responsible adult. Doesn't that just make what he is doing to her all the more sweeter? Yes, he grew up, matured, and now he wears button down shirts and sport coats. Now he fingers his daughter underneath the tables at restaurants and when they get back to their room he is going to be a mature adult and fuck her until she aches. This is what she thinks about, her eyelids growing heavy, her eyes glazing over, she is sure that she looks like he is stoned out of her fucking head as she works to keep herself under control and grows even more wet against his fingers.

Amanda's shoulders rise and fall in a shrug, she doesn't want to truly admit it but at the time she wasn't thinking much about anything except when she could get high again. "If anyone could do anything on their own it would be Susan," statement of fact. Salome is pretty sure that's true. "It is good that she had a father, you stepped up, you were a better person then I was, Richard. I'm thankful that someone was, and so very sorry I wasn't," she shakes her head slightly.


soursanguine August 24 2012, 00:49:28 UTC
Oh, yes, a completely mature adult. Taking charge as any mature adult should. As Amanda speaks, he takes stock of Salome's reactions from the corner of his eye. That's a beautiful sight, and couple with the hint of wetness he can feel... Christ, he loves being able to do this to her, and in public, no less. She makes his blood scream in his veins.

Richard smirks, nodding. "I suppose that's fairly true. Susan is very competent. She's simply lacking in the patience it requires to raise a child on one's own, I think." Ain't that the truth. Susan may be a shitty mother from time to time now, but if she had to raise Salome on her own it would have been bad.

Fuck yes I was a better person than you, bitch. That shouldn't be a surprise. "Oh, it's for the best. She's been an absolute light of my life for as long as she's been a part of it, I wouldn't have changed the situation for the world." His fingers rub against her harder, starting to grind against her clit through the fabric of her panties. "My own father didn't step up, and I didn't want to perpetuate that sort of thing even then. And I'm truly glad I didn't."

As he takes a sip of his drink, he smiles. "So, you said you've been sober twelve years, I think you said? How lovely. It's quite an achievement, isn't it, Salome?" His fingers press harder.

Amanda must think he's Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde when comparing his behavior yesterday with his behavior today.


sweetsalome August 24 2012, 01:00:02 UTC
Amanda is completely positive that if she had the baby and stuck around Richard sure as shit wouldn't have stepped up. It had to be a lot easier with Susan, who is established and who has money and means. Two addicts raising a child in Columbus, yeah, that would have worked out well, if your life's dream was to end up on an episode of Cops. He can pass judgment, he is on that upper pedestal where he has the child and the life and a way to support himself that only lets his hands get the slightest bit dirty.

Not that she is judging him. Except she is silently judging the fuck out of him. Jesus would be displeased, but fuck him, he's not here sitting across from Richard I-have-a-great-smile-but-am-the-devil Vasko. And what the hell is up with the kid?

She is trying not to come, but she wants to, oh fuck does she want to, because it would be so, so fucking wrong. She should make it obvious as well, just come all over his fingers and scream out in the middle of the fucking restaurant. Her cheeks are pink, eyelids down low as if she had been drinking or smoking something sweet and good and what the fuck are they talking about?

"That's wonderful, you look great too. It must have been so very hard for you." Her hand drops into her lap again and she shifts slightly so her skirt is further up her thighs and her fingers reach for the crotch of her panties so she can pull them aside for him.


soursanguine August 24 2012, 01:23:49 UTC
Hah, yeah, fuck no. Not with the state she was in. He gives her shit because it's easy, because it's fun to sneer and remind himself how fantastic he is, but really, he's glad she was out of the picture from the very start. She would have just gotten in the way and made things that much more difficult. Besides, he was more willing to accept Salome right out of the gate because of her alleged origin. Sometimes lying is necessary.

The bitch can judge him all she wants, he's judging her right back. She's a scummy semi-whore who's worth less than gum stuck to the bottom of his shoe, and if he had half a chance and a fraction of a reason he'd wrap his hands around her throat and squeeze until her windpipe ruptured.

Fuck yeah, he's the devil. She thinks that like it's a bad thing.

When he feels her shift and her fingers brush his as she pushes her panties aside, he inhales sharply into his drink. Hidden beneath the napkin and the tablecloth, Richard slides his fingers between slick folds of flesh and finds himself shifting subtly in his seat to relieve the pressure growing in his trousers. One finger presses into her, then another, crooking at the knuckle to stroke the satin walls of her cunt. It would be so easy for them to be caught, so easy and so terrible, and that's what makes it all so terribly fun.

Especially with this dumb bitch across from them.

"So, Amanda, tell us, what have you been up to since getting clean? Boyfriends at all? Children? How long have you been working here?" And the whole time, his fingers never stop, and his expression never changes, staying the picture of pleasantry.


sweetsalome August 24 2012, 01:35:46 UTC
If Amanda was any smarter she would call him out on this fact. If she had stuck around, had stepped up to the plate she would be hiding little Salome in the back of an RV while she turned tricks out front in order to support both of them. Is that what he would like for his precious little Salome? Of course he can sit there and judge but she could have made his life miserable, for a time. Unfortunately taking his little girl away wouldn't have been a loss in the very beginning. He didn't give a shit in the very beginning. He was forced to give a shit because Susan shoved the baby at him and told him he needed to sac up.

He can quietly judge, she will in turn. Smiling faintly behind her lips and watching him shift in his chair and nurse his drink like he hasn't a care in the world. She'll play this part, because she is the one who left, but she does know him, and she knows that bitch Susan and knows that sooner or later Salome will know. Then the bloom might be off the rose for him.

At the moment however, everything is in full bloom in between her legs. Salome's toes curl in her sandals and she turns her head slightly to press her lips against his shoulders and squeeze her eyes shut as she comes around his fingers with a shudder. She is soaking his fingers and there will be a stain on her skirt, she so needs to wash up, except her head is swimming and she feels so fucking high, on cloud nine.

"I've been taking care of my grandparents mostly ever since I've gotten back. They have an old house that I'm trying to renovate, and a couple of cats-" Amanda stops looking over at Salome. "Is she okay?"


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