
Aug 22, 2012 17:47

No joke, Salome changed her mind sixteen times when trying to decided if she wanted to meet her birth mom.  It wasn't that she was scared but there was a real thought and fear that she would just lose it in the middle of the conversation and she didn't want to lose it.  Her father would get upset at Amanda and it wasn't this woman's fault that ( Read more... )

rp, richard, new-au

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soursanguine August 23 2012, 01:24:38 UTC
Yeah, Richard intends this to be one moment after another of sticking it to Amanda. Not that he cares--frankly he's glad that she fucked off before she had a chance to screw up Salome--but he doesn't need much of an excuse to hate somebody and want to see them squirm.

The tears in her eyes, though, break what little heart Richard has, and he coos. "My darling girl, it's all right. I'm not going to be mad, not at all." His arms wrap tight around her and he stews in utter disgust, furious that this woman already has her crying and they haven't even left to meet her for dinner yet. His hand strokes up and down her back and he bends his head to hum in her ear, saying, "She didn't reject you, my darling. She gave you up because even she knew she wasn't worthy of you. Even she knew she wouldn't have been able to care for you."

In a few swift motions, he plucks her out of the chair and fills the seat, then settles her into his lap. Hand sliding beneath the fabric of her top to rub against the small of her back, he cradles her to his chest. "If she doesn't regret it, then she's an incredible fool. Because you, princess, are marvelous." His arms tighten around her. "I hope she looks at you and feels utterly wretched. I hope she kisses your feet and begs you to accept her apologies. She doesn't deserve your presence."

As he kisses the top of her head, he murmurs soft words between the sounds of his lips. "Susan loves you. If you were to give Delilah a chance, she would love you. This woman is less than nothing. This woman is your genetic history, and little more. I don't want your heart to be broken by her. She's pathetic, she doesn't deserve to have that kind of sway over you."


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 01:50:51 UTC
This is what keeps Salome from being the little girl in the back of the class who has no friends and can't make eye contact with anyone. Her father is her biggest fan and instills in her a confidence that most teenagers can't even dream of. Even in her weakest moments she still feels incredibly loved and special by the man who means the most to her in the whole world. What this woman thinks shouldn't matter to her, and when she thinks long and hard about it, or when she gets this dinner done and over with, it won't even make any difference to her in the world if this woman lives or dies. Because Amanda isn't worthy of her, she never was and never will be.

"You're right, I know you're right," she wraps her arms around his neck and lets her forehead rest against his for a moment before opening her eyes and smiling at him. "You're right," she takes a deep breath in and feels a bit more confident about this whole thing. If her father says it she knows it's right, she has that kind of faith in him, that sort of belief in what he says. Plus, he has never been wrong about his confidence in her. It's amazing how that works, if he say she is capable of it then she can.

"What did you feel like when you met your dad for the first time?" She looks at him, her fingers moving over his cheek gently, his eyes are clear and she likes that look on him, mainly because she knows he is sharp and on his game. And can get hard.


soursanguine August 23 2012, 02:10:29 UTC
See, teaching a child narcissism is a good thing when teenage insecurities are involved. All he has to do is a pour a little bit of his egoism into her and it helps. The trick is knowing how to present it, and the easiest way to present it is, 'fuck the haters'. Besides, it doesn't hurt that she is, in his opinion, a very talented, bright girl, more than capable of rising to the expectations he sets for her. That confidence in her is quite genuine.

"Of course I'm right, baby, I'm me." He grins in that cheeky way while she smiles into his face. The remnants of the hangover is still attached to him, but on the whole, he feels refreshed. A vacation within a vacation. Plus, some of the shit she said, goddamn. He has high hopes for the road ahead, once Amanda has been dealt with. It's hard to keep the devious gleam out of his eyes.

While she asks her question, he pecks the corner of her mouth and then leans his head against the palm of her hand, humming thoughtfully. "I felt...I don't know. Angry, definitely, but at the same time it was like meeting someone who'd come back from the dead. My mother raised me to believe that my father was dead, so to meet him was--bizarre, to say the least. Everything I'd been told was a complete lie, and I was extremely bitter about the fact that he hadn't thought me to be as worthy of him as his other children. That he was content to sweep me under the rug and continue on with his life."

His fingers upon her back while he smirks. "But I quickly wised up. And I realized that he hadn't manned up because he hardly qualified as a man at all."


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 02:19:59 UTC
With certain teenagers in just the right dosage, damn straight, especially female teenagers. It is such a hard, miserable time, and despite the fact that she is pretty and talented she still has all the insecurities of any girl her age. It is her father that keeps her head on straight and held high. She would just be a mess without him. It helps that she has never felt that he is just blowing sunshine at her. He isn't just saying that because he wants her to shut the fuck up and go away. She can tell that. People can most of the time.

"I wish I had your confidence," she admits quietly, smiling brightly as her fingers move over his cheek and she takes the kiss from him. He has a massive amount of confidence that she envies greatly. Though, maybe it can be too much sometimes. A little humility never hurt anyone. Richard with a little humility wouldn't be Richard though. She kisses him once more and smiles slightly.

One of the many perks of having an empathetic daughter is that when she looks at him, caressing his cheek, eyes all wet again, this time with tears for him because that breaks her heart. That his father didn't accept him, take him in and be a good dad. It's because she can't imagine her life without him. "You are worthy, you know that, right? I am sure you do, but you should know that he is a fucking moron for not being a good dad to you. You're twenty times the man he is." Her arms around his neck she hugs him tight.

"You're the best dad in the whole world."


soursanguine August 23 2012, 02:29:24 UTC
Salome has the advantage of having a father who's very unlikely to tell her what she wants to hear unless the situation calls for it. Granted, if he needs to break a hard truth to her, or critique her in some way, he'll do it delicately; but he'll still be honest with her.

Richard chuckles and shakes his head. "I wasn't very confident at the time. I wasn't exactly sure of the whole thing before he showed up at our meeting. And I still wasn't sure as it went on. It was awkward, but as it went on, I started to see clearly just how pathetic he was."

Oh, those tears. He loves those tears so much. There's nothing so exquisite as Salome's tears as long as she's not throwing a tremendous tantrum while they overcome her. He smiles softly, his hand fitting to her cheek. "I know it, baby. But at the time, it was hard to get perspective. It's difficult to see straight when you're in the thick of it."

As her arms slip around his neck, he grins and kisses her shoulder. Ah, so satisfying to hear those sweet words from her. Considering that his own absent father was his inspiration to be a halfway decent father, it pleases him through and through to hear her tell him he's twenty times the man Julius is. Granted, it's something he knows to begin with, but it's always lovely to hear it from Salome, whose words of praise are as much of a drug as she is. "It's not hard, baby, not when it's you we're talking about. It's a pleasure to be your father."


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 02:39:13 UTC
Even that means something, having someone tell you the truth or critique her, as long as it is done in a honest way - it's never easy to hear and take in, but in the end, she is better off for it. Like after they had sex for the first time, or after her horrible fucking temper tantrum. Taking in a deep breath she kisses his ear lightly as she holds him and leans against his chest as he continues on.

"You were just a kid," and not long after that he managed to have a child. It was a busy time of his life wasn't it? "It is, it's hard to gain perspective, I'm lucky that I have you around to help me through it. It feels so good to talk about it, so good." He is surprisingly understanding. Though when two people have the sort of relationship that they have, there is a sort of deeper need for communication. Maybe that just sprung up before the sex and go better after it.

She means everything she says about him, in her eyes there is no better father in the world, and she absolutely adores him. Kissing him tenderly she puts her cheek against his for a moment and smiles bigger when he gives her sweet, sweet compliments. "Yeah, I am pretty wonderful," that's a Richard play right there. Pulling back she grins broadly and starts to slide off his lap, "I feel better, let's do this bitch! Rawr!"


soursanguine August 23 2012, 03:00:14 UTC
A busy time, indeed. Meeting Susan, meeting his father, murdering his mother, conceiving Salome all within the space of a year and a half. And none of it would have happened if it wasn't for that fateful first event. Incredible, how life can be such a landslide.

"I'm glad it helps to talk, baby." It's never helped him much, not on an emotional level or anything like that, but it does help him work through problems from a logical standpoint; he does love dispensing fatherly advice. Talking comes easy, and comforting her comes easier. It always has.

"Now that's much better, just the spirit you need." He laughs, then laughs harder at her little battle-roar, standing after her and goosing her ass as he walks by to pluck the sports jacket from the edge of the bed. He slides it on one arm at a time, glancing in the mirror while he smooths its black fabric. "You got this, babydoll. And daddy's going to be right behind you. And if this bitch fucks with you, papa wolf will tear her fucking throat out." His teeth gleam with his earnest smile while he places his hand on the doorknob.

Honesty is always best when disguised as humor.


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 03:05:48 UTC
It is totally necessary to get out of her teenage head as much as possible, if she didn't then she would go crazy and burn the whole world down. Richard doesn't know it but he has saved the world SO many times. He should be considered a hero, like batman or something like that. Because she can totally be a crazy bitch sometimes and he has talked her down from SO many mental ledges. Even if it doesn't help him, she does appreciate it.

He gets his sports coat and she squeaks when he gooses her on her way to get her purse and to check her hair out in the mirror. A quick reapplication of lip gloss, a run of fingers through the hair and she is all ready to get out of this room and to face a very real person in the face. Yes, yes, she is ready. She can totally do this, and if that bitch fucks with her then he'll kill her.

"I don't know why she would fuck with me dad, I think everything is just going to be really awkward." Let's hope so. This dinner should be a blast. A quick kiss to his mouth and she puts her hand on his over the door knob, "will you fuck me when we get back?"


soursanguine August 23 2012, 03:17:41 UTC
It's a talent, it is. He spent most of his childhood talking his mother down from mental ledges, and now he talks Delilah out of them, too. Crazy bitches are his specialty, although he's particularly fond of Salome's brand of homicidal crazy. It reminds him so very much of his own.

"Well, you never know. I don't even know what to expect from this woman. I barely know her. But, yeah, I completely expect it to be painfully awkward. That was how mine was. So you'd better brace yourself now."

As that kiss comes, and that question sweeps in behind it, he leers. It's like she's read his mind; he's been wound up ever since he started turning the memories of the day prior over and over in his head, admiring the words said in the heat of passion. His hand lands on her hip and he pushes her against the door, his body pressed to her back while his head ducks to let him kiss down the line of her throat. "Of course, kitten. I'll fuck you so hard you'll feel it yesterday."

Grinning ear to ear, he moves her aside and opens the door for her, then makes his way down to the elevator. He glances to back to make certain she's on his way, then hits the 'down' button, wondering whether she'll have bothered to change out of her work uniform before meeting them in the restaurant. It could go either way, really.


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 03:25:31 UTC
Yeah, she is bracing herself for awkward and painful. Hopefully it won't go down that route, well not too far down, maybe they will just have a light smattering of awkward conversation and then sip their drinks till they manage to choke down their food. It could be worse, it could so be worse, she just keeps telling herself that over and over. This is a once in a life time chance besides, after this, she doesn't have to see the woman ever again, this is pretty much a done deal, she just needs to get this done and over with.

Smirking she tilts her head slightly for his kisses as her hand reaches behind her to grab at his ass when he pushes up behind her. "I wish I had felt it yesterday. As nice as your mouth is, I really love your cock, daddy." And boy did she want it yesterday, she always wants it but she wants it ten times more when she can't actually have it. That just kills her. He'll make it up to her and especially after this meeting she will totally need it.

Following him down the hall she reaches out to take his hand with one of hers, leaning her head against his shoulder as they wait for the elevator. The doors pull open and she bounces inside and waits for him to get inside before pushing the button for the lobby. She hums to herself sort of fidgeting with how her skirt falls in her reflection in the elevator doors.


soursanguine August 23 2012, 03:42:44 UTC
It's good. Closure is good. She can go, make her peace, then leave and never worry about it again. Better to meet the woman once than spend a lifetime of idly wondering what may have been.

Such language. That girl's going to drive him insane one day, he's sure of it. Christ knows she practically does already. Even today, he's been driven out of his skull for her, but with the way she's been fretting all day, he's been resigned to wait. Sometimes it's good to let the pressure build, he figures.

When they're in the elevator, Richard leans back against the wall and watches the floor numbers decrease. His hand lands upon the back of her neck, squeezing gently to comfort her while she fidgets and arranges herself. "We're probably overdressed. I'd put good money on her still being in her uniform when she meets us." He shares a dickish grin with his reflection in the metal doors, then, as they slide open, guides Salome out and around to the restaurant. "Just relax, darling. Everything's going to go just fine."


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 11:46:35 UTC
With great pressure comes great release. Pretty sure Uncle Ben said something like that, and right now Sal is completely unaware of his growing pressure but will be very thrilled with it when he finally does explode and takes her with him. Very happy indeed. She should work him up like that all the time.

"I know," she looks up at him and then wraps an arm around his middle to give him a hug, her head on his chest as she sighs and lets her eyes close while the elevator counts down. They only open when their little ride stops and the doors open, that's when she lets go of him and steps out of the elevator.

He would totally lose that money, good thing he isn't a gambling man. You only get to meet your daughter you abandoned for the first time, once, so she packed a change of clothes when she came in to work today. It's one thing to accidentally run into Richard and be in work clothes, but there's no need to be dressed like that when you're about to sit and have dinner with someone for the first time. Fiddling with her cross necklace by the front door of the restaurant, Amanda shifts from foot to foot, trying not to look nervous herself, staring out of the huge open doors at the beach that the hotel faces.


soursanguine August 23 2012, 17:40:03 UTC
If she did, she'd probably end up spending more time with dear old daddy than with her friends, since he'd have a tough time letting her out of bed.

Wow, shock and awe. He almost looks astonished for a few seconds to see that she actually looks not completely terrible, but the expression quickly sweeps back to his usual mask of complete neutrality. Between the confident, wide gait he always moves with and the blank look on his face, he looks as much like Salome's bodyguard as he does her father.

With a firm squeeze upon Salome's shoulder meant to reassure, he nods toward the direction of Amanda's back and clears his throat. "Good evening, Amanda. I've got somebody here who'd like to meet you."


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 17:51:35 UTC
Ha, school is for suckers anyway, who needs to get out of bed and interact with peers? Salome would be more then happy to spend hours and days in bed with her father. Could that get possibly old? Maybe. Somewhere far down the road hopefully.

Yeah, she isn't too horrible to look at, maybe a little heavier since she dropped the coke and found out that she had to eat actual food in order to survive. She isn't unattractive, Sal didn't get her good looks from just him. Amanda turns and looks at the two of them for a moment before smiling. "Hi, Salome. I'm really glad we could meet." And she steps forward, uncertain.

"I don't know if we're supposed to hug or not," Sal admits and laughs a little.

"I don't know either. I'd like to, if you want to." And she holds her arms open slightly.

It feels like such a test, does she feel like a mom? Salome steps up and takes the hug, not sure, so not sure, what is supposed to happen? Why do people think magical things happen during certain situations? Maybe there is magic in the hug, Sal just doesn't feel it. Still, good hug.


soursanguine August 23 2012, 18:56:34 UTC
Of course she isn't unattractive--as a young man, especially, Richard had impossibly high standards for even revenge-fucks--but in his eyes, she'd might as well be covered in scales.

Aw, hugging, how cute. So cute he could vomit right in that plant over there. No, really, it's very precious, he'll just give them privacy by telling the hostess they're a party of three and could they get a somewhat private table? And before you send the waiter over, could you place an order for a strong vodka tonic? Thanks. He lets the hostess lead the way to an empty table on the patio, where everything smells clean and fresh and he supposes he'll be able to suffer all this as long as he gets a drink in him.

As the girls finish their adorable hugging-time, Richard pulls out Salome's seat for her in anticipation of her approach and nods to Amanda. "I appreciate your willingness to see her. Salome and I have been discussing it since yesterday."

It's a struggle to keep the dirty look out of his eyes, but somehow he manages it. Mostly. Generally his expression just reads, 'Don't you dare upset her because I'll break your fucking legs, whore,' but that's easier to see if you know him well and are willing to hold a gaze that seems to tunnel through human flesh and bone.


sweetsalome August 23 2012, 19:14:41 UTC
Wait. Dad gets a strong drink and Salome doesn't? Well that hardly seems fair, she would very much like a strong drink right about now. Actually it isn't that bad. It could be worse and perhaps it will be, but for now, they just hugged, and no one has started to cry or get sick, except her father but that was to be expected.

"Oh it is a pleasure, I wasn't expecting any meeting at all really, I am really glad you two decided on it." She smiles at the father and daughter and sits herself as Salome is helped by her father.

"I was really nervous," Salome admits once again, it all sort of tumbles out, she just can't help it.

"I was too, honey, I still am I guess. I get so anxious over personal things like this. I didn't actually think your dad would tell you anything about me. He would have been well within his right, he's a good dad to be that honest with you."

Salome reaches over to squeeze her father's hand with a smile. "Yeah, I've got the best dad in the world. He told me a little bit of what was going on back then. I - I guess it was for the best, I just wanted to meet you face to face."

Amanda has the decency to look embarrassed and a shamed. "I was a mess, a total mess. I don't want you too feel bad but it was for the best."

ooc: sorry for lack of icon change, my add-ons expired and I need to wait till I get home to renew them!


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