Hey is anyone home

Sep 03, 2008 06:30

" . . . Plato, who, in the thirty-ninth paragraph of the Tinaeus, claims that once their diverse velocities have achieved an equilibrium, the seven planets will return to their initial point of departure in a cycle that constitutes the perfect year. . .

If the planetary periods are cyclical, so must be the history of the universe; at the end of each Platonic year, the same individuals will be born again and will live out the same destinies. . . .

[in regards to the Platonic year]  Lucilio Vanini wrote, . . . 'Nothing exists today that did not exist long ago; what has been, shall be, but all of that in general, and not (as Plato establishes) in particular.' "

Circular Time, Jorge Luis Borges.

"The future is inevitable and exact, but it may not happen.  God lies in wait in the intervals."

quote, journal entry, jorge luis borges

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