Oct 10, 2005 19:30

I dont understand people...
i dont understand how people can call you their "best friend" but not care to disappoint you,
how they can sit there...right across from you...and lie to your face when they know your gonna find out sooner or later
i dont understand why they make promises...over and over...and people like me give them second chances..yet they never seem to get it right
i dont understand why some best friends dont care about your feelings....and dont care that their actions affect your life too
i dont get..after all weve been through.... how they can still sit there and say "im the victim here"
i dont understand, how they can see what they are doing is wrong...and just not care...
i dont understand how they keep making the same mistake...and claim its hard not to...and even though ive never been in the same situation...i see plenty of people not making that same mistake...and so do they
i dont understand how they can care less when they piss a friend off when they have a guy...but when that guy is gone...they all of a sudden care again.
i dont get how they can sit there and use someone...and not feel bad...
i dont understand how a best friend...can fall over and over...and the other is always there to pick them up...even if it hurts them....and to the best doesnt matter.
i dont understand how when you try to help a best friend...give them advice...try to make them see....they turn it around on you...and say...all you do is judge me...
i dont understand why she even calls me her "best friend"...she doesnt treat me like one.
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