Jun 12, 2005 19:53
I am so bored again...hahaha..i always am! i have done nothin all week long! but tomorrow is gonna be great!!!! im goin to brits to spend the night, yayyyyy! im so excited haha! we're gonna be watchin harry potter all night long haha! we are such losers, anyways..my alarm didnt go off today cuz im an idiot and didnt set it right so i slept through church..next week ill be there though...i watched ever after today, i love love love that movie..and i watched the notebook last night..ive seen it a million times but this is the first time ive really cried over it..i wanna go swing, i was hopin jena or brittany was on so i could ask them to go with me...but there not tha losers..well i guess i could use that other invention, yeah the telephone haha, but i guess i wont...well i gotta go...well not really.... but bye!-sally