Wow, I got finally time to write. Missed lat week because I was hanging around with my new friends during freetime. It was really fun.
I should't walk lazily through the city anymore. Somehow I always pass the OCS. And not thinking about spending 30 € on book some minutes ago, I had to walk in.
The bad thing they had Duet AND Wink up. A normal thinking person would have taken one and bought it. BUT I had to look through BOTH of them, and worst could't decide which one to take. So not normal thinking me took BOTH. During my walk home I literally kicked my ass several times for such stupidness.
But I think after taking a long time to look trough them, I'm pretty glad I took them. Maybe I'm scanning some thing during weekend. In one of them there is this hyber kakkoi YamaP poster, it's only f... bad that he's on both sides and both are hot. I'm going to scan the smaler one and put the big faceshot on my wall.
When I passed university on friday, there was some kind of market. On my way to the tram some girl came running across me, and what did I see? She had such a thingie Kame won for the girl in Tatta hitotsu no koi. I WANTED SUCH A THING TOO!!!!! So I searched and there was this aisian woman putting her stuff together. But luckily I could still buy one though the woman wanted to go home already. Now I'm the proudly owner of almost exactly the same orange blink thing. I should make a comparison pic the next time.
On Saturday I went to the Kyudo-workshop. It's shooting with a japanese bow. I really loved it, and I'm going to do a beginners cours as soon as possible. The next one is in January, but it's possible that it's full already. I really missed it on Sunday, I so want to do it again. It's an undescibable feeling.
Pi had to learned it too for Byakkotai, and he said he wants to continiue. BUT I HAD THE IDEA FIRST!!!! I wanted to do it since a year or so, but it wasn't possible in Dresden.
On Thursday my parents are coming to catch me up, by that time I haven't seen them for more then 3 weeks. But we talk everyday so it's not hard for me. I have to practise for the time I'm going to Japan.
Maybe I write again on Wednesday, but I'm not shure. As a nice finish, here are some manboob-Pi pics > <