3 months old!

Nov 28, 2009 12:12

3 months old!

1 of 4

3 months old!
November 28, 2009
We can't believe it has been 12 weeks since Abby and Brady were born! They keep us so busy that time just flies. The twinkies, as Aunt Mel calls them, each weigh 8.5 lbs now! They are getting so big! Things have gotten easier this month. They take their bottles a little better and also sleep better! We moved the crib out of our bedroom and into their nursery and that helped a lot. They don't seem to fuss as much when put down. Maybe they knew before that mommy was right there and they would rather be with me but since they are in their own room they soothe themselves instead. Once in awhile we still have to go into for a paci that has popped out but they are very good about going right down, even when seemingly wide awake. They were sharing a crib until a couple nights ago but they started to get too long to sleep in the crib horizontally next to eachother so now they each have their own crib. I don't think they care as much as I thought they would. I can also handle the day with the babies by myself now. One thing I don't like to do though is the bedtime routine by myself because I am usually pretty tired by night but luckily my mom will come over to help if Paul has to work late. She has been a Godsend! I could not do this without her! The best news of all is that they seem to be sleeping longer at night, going for 5-6 hour stretches! This week they started only waking once a night, as long as we do one last late night feeding around 10pm. It has been so great! Sometimes Paul will do that last feeding by himself so that I can go to bed early and then I will do the early morning one (around 7am) by myself so he can sleep in. It works out well because he is a night person and I am a morning person. We have also settled into a nice routine. Abby and Brady wake up around 7am to eat and then they eat throughout the day at 10am, 1pm, and 4pm. Then we start our nightly routine at around 630 which includes a bath (usually we alternate which baby gets a bath because it was getting too much for me!), bottle in the darkened bedroom, story, lullaby and off to bed. Then we wake them again for a feeding at 10pm and hopefully they will sleep till 3 or 4am. The only thing I don't do, which I should, is put them down for at least one nap in their own cribs but they seem to hate it during the day! They just fuss and fuss until I bring them back downstairs, which is weird because they sleep so well up there at night. But I just let them nap down here, in their swing and bouncy chair or in their boppies (in the bassinet of the pack n play or on the sofa) since why mess with what works.   They are SUCH good babies!!!!!!!! They only cry when they are hungry or for gas pains, which isn't that much. Abby and Brady are such happy babies that love to smile, coo, and study faces. More good news is that the twinkies got their RSV shots approved and administered!!! Those are not regular vaccinations but RSV antibodies so if they are exposed to the virus they can fight it off. Doesn't mean they won't get sick but that if they do it might not be as bad. We are so relieved they have these! They have to go every month through April though and that will be hard. I hate to see them get shots!! That is all for now! Thanks for reading!
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