some things.

Dec 14, 2005 17:31

studying is a waste of time, i feel. Especially for me this semester because HELLO my GPA doesnt transfer. blah blah blah college, you can suck my balls for all I care. I have my third final tonight, and then my music final in the morning. Last but not least is my history final friday at noon. I'm so tempted to not even go because the weather is going to suck and I have to move out of here completely, and also! theres probably going to be a MTA strike, causing massive amounts of traffic. mutha fucka. OH WELL. Eric Rios is coming over to study. I probably wont see him.. for a long time. Until i come back here or he comes to Phila. I saw Kevin today by accident. He didnt even know I was leaving. KEVIN DOES NOT READ MY LJ! thats okay, I really dont mind. So yeah, I'm really not sure how I am feeling towards this entire moving out of here situation. I am so excited for the semester to be over, and to go home, and work, and most importantly see the people that are important to me. BUT! I know how this school is, and now I'm going to a whole new school. with thousands of different people. EXCITING, yes. TANTALIZING, yes. but also quite SCARY. Some people are making it a lot easier to leave here, that is for sure. My room is at like the threshold of hell right now. Finals make people go crazy.. I dont see why to be honest. They dont really upset me, or make me too nervous. I suppose I am easy-going about a few things. such as finals.

I'm not eating dinner because I had taco bell today. Thats all.. and an apple sauce this morning? no no, I did not. But I did have a bannana. Once I am home, I have to cut out the complete and total laziness and you know- be an active human being.

Once I am in Phila. I have all these amazing aspirations that include a job at h&m or GAP, volunterring at homeless shelters or soup kitchens, also I would like to do well in school and continue my amzing incredible, absolutely perfect relationship with my boyfriend, Joshua D. Temos. Hes pretty hot. and my favorite out of anything in this entire world. I feel as though my time should be spent doing more- because I have the abilities, and I havent utilized them at all. Especially because I'm going to be living in another city- itll be easier because I'll have my car, and because because because (the wonderful things he does) its a smaller city and definityly a less intimidating one for my little self.

I have the itch for new ink, but a) cannot afford it, and b) my mother would kill me. and lastly c) I'm too small for much more, and I'm also a dainty girl, sometimes...

SHELLEY IS HOME. but I wont see her until Friday, and even then will be difficult because of this bull shit called "moving out of SJU" and "finals" or something. YEAH WHATEVER. She leaves Monday though, so I HAVE TO SEE HER. PLUSSSSS its her Birthday on Friday. I have recruited Josh to come with me, and hopefully that will work out for hte best for all of us. I miss him to pieces. I DO I DO!

okay, I have to study a bit for my TV production final, meet up with Eric, and then go kick its ass, and then come back and touch myself. just kidding.

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