It lopsided and ugly...but I'm still very proud of lil' ugly pouch.
First I ever made!
it didn't come out great or anything because I didn't use any pattern or any reference really, but I think that's also why I kinda like has that rustic feeling!
It's about 4.5 x 4.5 inches (11.5x11.5cm )when smushed flat, and the most you'd probably want to fill it with would make it 1.5 inches (4cm) deep.
It is composed of 2 different leathers: not exactly sure on the type for the front and flap but are soft and strechable at 1mm thick, while the back is an oil stoned and a little thicker at 1.5 mm.
It could also belong to certain merced residents...if they'll take it...and it's sister once she is made.
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