Jun 04, 2007 14:51
the other day i talked to naomi. i never talk to her anymore. it made me think...she seems like she changed a lot. and not really in the best way. funny how life happens to you. i've been thinking about her a lot. her whole attitude is just weird. she said some stuff that totally took me aback. she seemed sort of condescending. like i'm married and poor you, you just have a boyfriend. and you don't know him like i know my husband. and i think i know c pretty well. i mean i do. i even asked him if he thinks i know him well and he said yes. it's just odd that she should say that to me. because since she doesn't talk to me anymore it was hard to explain about him or something and she interpreted that as me not knowing him. odd. she never talks about jon, her husband. which i also found strange. she is very guarded with that sort of thing. i don't really know why. probably because she doesn't consider me a close friend anymore since i'm not in her wacked out church and i'm not a nurse and really we have nothing in common anymore? maybe. i don't know. it's such a period of flux. i feel like i have nothing in common with anyone. but then what does anyone even have in common with anyone else?! who know. i know that khushbu and i aren't friends anymore. because she was ridiculous. and i know that i don't care to keep much in touch with people from HS. so i mean i have no friends anymore. and that sort of is fine with me. i have 2 really good friends and that's all i need? i dont know that doesn't seem right. but i don't know. i know i do have more friends then that. tara, janine. rohan. idk. not really that many people. people i used to know. people that i sort of know. people that are acquaintances. people. just people. ugh. i don't know. it's just so odd how you just aren't friends with people that you used to spend so much time around. is it all me that changed? probably not. it's probably me and other people. and i've always felt more mature than a lot of people. so mg and i are like complete kindred spirits. ha i wrote kindred spirits. no, but for real, we are. so that's what i need. i'll probably make more friends somewhere along the way. just don't know where yet. maybe if i get a job for next year. ahhhh.