Jun 08, 2007 16:35
I was just at the library and they said that I still had this book checked out under my name: A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry. I would appreciate it if you could return the book. If you lost it perhaps you can pay the fine at the library or you can give me the money for it so that I can pay for it. Hopefully you still have it and just forgot about it or something.
i'm pretttttty sure i returned that book, along w/ invisible man. those were the two books i had toward the end that belonged to the library.
well i know that i didn't take it out. can you please look for it because the library doesn't have any record of your returning it...
you're thinking: why would she have used your card? i'm confused..
idk because she needed to get the books from the library so i said she could use my card. i completely forgot about it. i didn't think about it until i went to renew my books and saw that one and was like i never took that book out and then i realized she must have had it for her lit class. i don't know why she didn't just use her library card. she lives within the mercer library system. i didn't think of that then but it's really stupid now....
sweetrhythms, there's nowhere to look. Would you like me to drive to the old house and look through my invisible junk in an empty room? I don't forget about things, nor do I loose things. I returned all of the books, immediately after my lit exam. Mike was w/ me. You can call him and confirm if you'd like. (she spelled lose wrong. hold on, let me go call mike--who i'm not friends with and whose number idon't have. also i don't like him.)
actually, i'd like you to look in the things that you brought home from your invisible junk in your now empty room at carlton. if you don't have it then that means that you'll have to send me the money to pay for the book that you lost. i allowed you to use my library card and even though you claim to have retuned the book, the library has no record of it. therefore, the book is lost. i didn't take it out and i am not about to pay the fee since you were the one who took it out. i really don't think that i'm being unreasonable.
i really just hope that you'll simply pay the cost of replacing the book and not drag this out because there's really nothing i can do to force you to pay for the book. hopefully you'll understand that it'd be the only decent thing to do and leave it at that...
I appreciated you letting me use your library card, and I kept up with my responsibility and returned the items that I checked out. I don't understand why the library has no record of A Raisin in the Sun, nor do I really care b/c it's not my responsibility anymore. Tell them to check again, and if there's still "no record" of it, i'll compromise w/ you and pay for 1/4th of the cost. Even though its not my responsibility for the missing book at this point, since you let me use your card, i'm willing to be nice and help chip in a little bit so your credit w/ them doesn't get ruined.
This is my one and only offer b/c I don't care to discuss this matter anymore.
well honestly, i never cared to discuss this matter in the first place with you.
i don't want you to pay for it anymore. 1/4 of the cost of a book that YOU took out on MY card!--I went out of my way to help you! you could have easily gotten a card from the library yourself, you live in mercer county. why do you live in mercer county and not have a library card? why that didn't occur to me in march, i don't know. i don't really know now why i didn't ask you to use or get your own...because i was being a friend probably. well, now this is my problem since you refuse to take more than 1/4 responsibility for it. the point is the library doesn't have a record of it, whether you returned it or not, and therefore i now have to pay for replacing it. not 1/4 of it--all of it...and i have never even seen the book, much less read it.
i want you to know that i think you're being completely ridiculous. i wonder if you would have acted like this if it had been a year ago...(when we were friends?) i thought you were in favor of justice and treating people fairly? This action, or lack thereof, is certainly not reflective of that. i just hope it rests well with your conscience: i went out of my way to help you and you can't even be bothered to take full responsibility for how you are impacting me.
1/4! not even 1/2! don't bother writing back.
How ridiculous is that. i have to pay to replace a book that wasn't even mine, i never read, i never even saw. that shows you to never let anybody borrow anything and to never go out of your way to help another human being. but, luckily i'm not that cynical. just poorer as a result of it. and more knowledgable. i'm going to be a better and nicer friend to those i am friends with and not bother being friends with people like her anymore. because she does that and other ridiculous things. RIDICULOUS=K.
lost friends,
book fines