Epic Picspam

Feb 18, 2020 13:22

I've never done one of these before, so naturally I've decided to do an EPIC one.
If any pictures are yours, or I reference your picspam (I reference a few), tell me so I can credit you!!!!
Beware: Slashy words and plot bunnies within, as well as an excess of sexiness.
Continue At Your Own Risk = ]
*Some may deem this NSFW*
: )
(And also, if you feel the compulsion to write fic based on any of the plot bunnies that spew out of my brain and into this picspam, please, by all means, WRITE IT. I am a journalism major, not an English major. Thus, I can not write fiction, and the plot bunnies die a horrible death in my brain and never live to see the light of day. HELP THE BUNNIES, YOU GUYS. BRENDON WOULD WANT YOU TO DO IT.)

Panic Picspam Part One!
Panic Picspam Part Two!
Panic Picspam Part Three!
Panic Picspam Part Four!
Panic Picspam Part Five!

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Panic Picspam Part Six!
Panic Picspam Part Seven!
Panic Picspam Part Eight!

panic at the disco picspam

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