You Are Strawberry Ice Cream
A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.
You often find yourself on the outside looking in.
Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.
You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.
What Flavor Ice Cream Are You? florida was GREAT.
i had an awseome time with my mom, even though i was at church EVERY day
(shes a born again christian and she lives a block away from her church, where she also works as a custodian, so i went every day to help her clean so we got done faster)
we went thru the attic and pulled down all the boxes of old crap she kept over the years
(shes even more of a pack-rat than I am, thats pretty bad) i remembered most of it.
we sculpted clay, i made an elephant n it was really good, but it was natural clay n we needed a kiln to fire it...which we obviously didnt have, n while it was air drying it got knocked over n the ear broke off :( oh well
she took me all over showing me off to EVERYONE she knew n they were all "So happy to see me, n they felt like they already knew me for how much she talked about me" ... great, the first sunday i was there i swear the entire congregation came up to me at some point and said those same words, n all of her friends and "family" (she adopted ppl as her family since her real, and real adoptive family sucked) said the same thing too...then it was "so when are you moving down here to keep her this happy all the time?" (i hope to move down there in about a year)
we went out on a boat in the bay which felt like bathwater when we swam in it. i got a little burned but that went away in a few days n youd never be able to tell i got ANY sun from looking at me now...i hate my complexion.
i read the ENTIRE 'elf quest' series which i havent done in 10 years...i picked up on SO much more. man i love my elfs. XD
my mom started knitting me a scarf the second day i was down there and finished it about 20 minutes before i got on the plane to come back lol. its really cool but its pink, yellow and green (the most recent picture she had of me was my 7th grade it i wore a hideous sweater that i HATED with pink, yellow, n green stripes...she thought it would be cute) it has pom-poms on both ends, which are stitched into pockets, so if i forget my gloves i can put my hands it them, or it can hold my cigs n cell phone....pretty handy.
we did some other stuff too...but im tired and i need to go to bed...i have a long day tomorrow. i have to open the store at 5, n then come home at 2 and get a check for $350,000 O_o
oh yeah...thats getting a hefty check tomorrow...HA in yo face bitches !!!
nitey nite :)