It's good to be here. I'm settling in on the tiny wicker loveseat on the screen porch at Blueberry Hill Farm. I arrived a little over an hour ago and have taken the time to methodically make this charming space my own. Found a hook for my purse, unpacked my groceries, rolled out my yoga mat, found all the light switches and fans... I ate a quick and quiet dinner of wonton soup and red wine and am looking forward to a cupcake later.
I feel calm and hopeful about the days ahead. I did not journal for my birthday. The days got away from me. It fell in the middle of an incredibly busy week between a wedding and a camping trip, with a beautiful family birthday evening coordinated by Jeff. It was a happy birthday, a happy (busy) week.
This fall has been all over the place. August and September were consumed by Bo's health scares - multiple surgeries, the wrenching diagnosis of malignant melanoma... Truly, September was really hard emotionally. And then October felt better when Bo's surgery and biopsies went so well, but it was packed full of hard work. We just celebrated Jeff's 40th birthday (!!) and that was work too, but I'm so pleased with how it all turned out and believe that he felt surrounded by love to mark the occasion.
I'm arriving here very weary. Last week was grueling, finishing up all my fall work AND doing all the prep for Jeff's party. Nearly pulled an all nighter (4 am, yikes!) It was the culmination of a lot of beyond-healthy pushing through October's full load. I'm so thankful for this break. The soft light of the big, round, amber sun hovering just above the rolling farmland was enchanting when I arrived. The mild temperature and promise of a beautiful day tomorrow... I'm so thankful. My hope is to rest my nervous system, to allow tense places to unwind, to give my body and spirit all the cues needed to unclench and restore what's been burnt out. I'm earnestly hoping to take things slowly, mindfully, gratefully and notice (and enjoy!) the little delights of BEING. I plan to walk to the pond tomorrow. Hopefully do some yoga, maybe some painting. I want to make room for quiet, for contemplation, for creativity...
Anyway, I think this is enough for now. I'm just feeling calm and quiet.