Jan 19, 2011 21:01
Day Seven: Four turn offs.
Day Eight: Three turn ons.
Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day Ten: One confession
Day seven
1. briefs
2. hairy back
3. smoker
4. crack head
well the point of this meme is dead.. but hay i should get some points for trying right?
anyways.. turns out that we have one month to pack our things and find a place to live.. hummm.. well FUCK!!.. I am so pissed.. upset and emotional.. but.. i keep it locked inside right.. there is too much to do and too little time.. i plan to do a garage sale in two weeks, it's not like i have much anyways, just books.. and cloths.. mostly going to sale my art supplies and some books.. like manga and comics.. its something i need to do since we have like.... NOTHING in the bank, so even if its just a little money i make.. something is something.. my aunt didnt even tell us about this, she knew and she didnt say anything, it was Carlos who found out when he saw the owner shopping where we work. My aunt just said, "I don't feel like living in this neighborhood anymore so start thinking about moving in with me again or getting your own place".. HOW THE HELL IS THAT INFORMATION!! and to top it off she knew about two months in advance. GAHHHHHH@@I#$*((*$&_@ soooooo need to find a better way to vent.. there is no words .. Im just tierd..