(no subject)

Aug 21, 2003 23:51

I had something to write, and now I don't remember. That might be because I just got home from work, and officially quallify for RFT. REALLY F***ING TIRED. Yah. Oh! I remember now. I had my first reflexive response today! Albet it was a little one, and albet it wasn't really violent, but STILL! Someone fliked water into my eyes from about a foot away tonight, and so I hit him. I didn't even think about it, I just punched!! Normally, when someone does something annoying like that, I laugh, and then bitch slap them--but not this time! YAY ME. Yah. So I had to share. And I would also like everyone to know that I just got back from Master D's summer camp this weekend, and that if you've never gone, but you take Tae Kwon Do in upstate Vermont--you're really missing out. It's great. I have a whole bunch of quotes. Like most quotes, you may have had to be there for some of them, but....Here y'are!

"It's like Simon says from hell."
"Clay......clay is......Clay is like clay."
"You're not a monster! You're just a Ms. Brown!"
"Don't worry--I'll be gentle, cause you're a girl."
"What are you guys, like silent ninjas?"
"Get me some ice cream--What flavor?--I don't care, it's for my ass!"
"Mooooommmm.....I thought I told you not to come into my room while I'm vacumming!"
"Six inches is wide enough for any girl!"
"Are you naked again?"
"Save a tree-eat a beaver!"

Tee hee. No........we never have our minds in the gutter!

tae kwon do

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