Feb 09, 2005 14:07
we have off today because there was a gas leak on hulmeville road. well... our school just happens to be on hulmeville road, so no school for us!
i dont think anyone expected to have off though. the st.ephrems kids got evacuated and shelpted to our school yesterday. it was so cute, they sent all these kids in uniforms to the teacher bathrooms because they didnt want them to go in the regular bathrooms that smell like smoke. well HEY! i dont want to use those bathrooms either! and im a runner! not good!
which reminds me, we're going to the carnival meet this weekend... ahhhh lol. so that means i do pretty much need to run today because i havent ran in weeks and i need all the practice i can get.
and we're running a 4x8. thats funny because we dont even have 4 distance girls who can run on saturday, should be interesing.
so i dont no if im going to have my spanish quiz tomorrow. it was supposed to be thurs, but then again we dont have school today. i hate when this happens. but i love how februray is the new november, because we only have 1 week this month that we have school mon-friday. yeah and tuesday is the new monday because we never go to school on mondays. but seriously, we NEVER go to school.. lol.
AHH-APRIL SWEET 16? since everyone and their mother is busy in march.
1 month+10days till im elligable!
ok so i ordered my class ring back in oct.(october 28th) and i got this really nice ring but it didnt have track or anything on it, so i decided to change it. so a few days later i call back and change it to a princess(which i really didnt want either but they gave me like no time to think about it) and so my mom calls a few weeks ago and says "how do we pay for it" etc and my mom says "well how much do we owe?"(since we changed it ud think itd be different) and the lady was like "$280.35"
my mom was just like "oh, so it didnt change since we changed?" and the lady goes
"we dont see any changes on here"
!!! so now im stuck with this dumb ring because someone at the ring place took my order(when i changed it) and obviously never wrote it down.. grr!! so i called them today, but u no theyre not there or something. asdfjkl;adhfjfg!
wood river village called me yesterday asking if i was interested in a job there. it would be nice. i called them back too but the lady was in a meeting and i have to call back at 330.
the notebook came out on video (im a fan of vhs) and dvd yesterday! probably getting it tonight or this weekend.
it was so nice to sleep from 8-11 today.
till next time! i think ill go blast some music and jump around