What is it with me and gingers e__e I mean, just look at this SMUG MOFO RITE THUR.
This is so fucking embarassing OMG because I' m such a piece of shit weirdo. There' this boy at uni, name withed - lets call him uh - George. Well anyway George is fucking stunning. Natural red hair, beautiful skin, delicate bone structure, glossy blue eyes, tall, lanky, well dressed and very sweet. So yah know. Totally out of my league and apparently seeing someone - blah. But the very fact that he says hi to me when he sees me in passing makes me squeal like an idiot the minute he's out of sight and ear shot because he's acknowledged my existence. OH GOD HOW PATHETIC AM I?
I will die alone, in a house full of dogs, a collection of glass jars and fat.
And the healthy snacks as of late? Yogurt and muesli - I cant stop eating this - esp the big ass tubs you can get at Poppy's on Stanley Street.