Oct 25, 2009 14:00
Maybe it's this stupid fucking Jeff Buckley song playing on repeat ;___; But what does a gall gotta do to find a nice girl around here? I mean seriously? WITHOUT having to get into that icky "scene queer" shit?
Every time I log onto that stupid okcupid account I get at least 10 guys - male, mostly straight, 21/25 - which sure, is in my parameters to what I don't mind in a dude. But I just feel like trolling the hell out of some of these sad sacks - example:
nails23425 (his username was like that but not exactly): So what wld y do if we went out? (valid question I suppose but I could already get the Invertebrate-Vibe from him)
me: Aim a nail gun at your genitals. (Hilarious, feel good hit of the season)
Sure I totally didn't give him the benefit of the doubt but too much chat abbreviations and already asking me what we should do on a hypothetical meeting activated my Invertebrate-Vibe.
The Invertebrate Vibe - I attract squishy life forms like my name was fuckin' Aquaman - at best cartilaginous - but still easily fillited, crumbed and dumped in the deep fry.
If so many people want to nail me why aren't they doing so right now? BUFFETS FUCKIN' OPEN. PON FARR TIME. COME ON! *grrrr*
I'm aware (I come across as) I'm an emotionless ice bitch with teeth in her mangina - public perception of me is rather terrible and I have trouble countering that - icy disdain probably means I like you.
Still ;____; *bawws*
sex and other things i dont get to enjoy,
crazy posts again,
where no man has gone before