Giving the Devil his Due

May 22, 2009 14:37

Paid for yet another year's worth of paid LJ time (cuz I'm a chump and I'm enjoying being able to edit comments) and not have to look at adds which I noticed for the first time using a free RP account and boy were they annoying. So I'm sposed to be baking but instead I'm dicking around on the internets... I should get on that.

But with the upgrade I now have 120 icon uploads :D

Up to last season of Buffy - have no real desire to watch Angel TBH - am still waiting for a sale on the 7th season of Smallville dvd and I pray it's not as obnoxious a the last season was.

I need some moar TV to watch - there's also the backlog of House episodes I've missed (season 5) and of which I am thankfully not in deep with the fandom histronics that surrounds what happens on House because there's just too much indignant rage. I chat House with Roni at uni who gives me the wrap on any episode I miss and we discuss it :D HA! Our corner of the painting studios is pure nerd girling let me tell you.

buffy the vampire slayer, house, smallville, real life, cooking, uni, icons, lj

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