Brahahaha Batman/Superman is the new awesome. THOSE TWO ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER.
Bruce is all like *YOU HAD ME SICK WITH WORRY! You dumbbell, why u no think before u do thing, DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS YOUNG MAN?* and Clark's all like AW SHUCKS BABE, CHILLAAAXX I made cookies :B They're in the shape of LOLCATS. I even made you a LOLBAT one :D
I've sunken to new lows here people. One hand, I find that fandom makes people insuferable gits, on the other hand I do love it but know other people think it's stupid so I try to keep the totally-imagined-only-fangirls-can-see-it-discourses to myself. Though I don't know why I'm justifying it with this journal since most people I know here are from various fandoms :3 I think this is GEEK DENIAL.
Serious answer: Batsy n' Supes are Bros *respect knuckles*
Deluded fangirl answer: Totally knocking boots, in the Batcave, in the Justice League Watchtower, In the copy room of the Daily Planet, In the fortress of solitude, in the batmobile, in the hay loft on the Kent Farm, in the men's room of Starbucks (while Wonder Woman peeks over the stall)
Although if we're going to talk ships, Bruce/Jim Gordon is my preferred coupling in the Nolanverse - GARY OLDMAN IS ONE COOL MOTHERFUCKER OKAY - Even if he kinda resembles Ned Flanders :3
The Batsignal cannot be used for Booty calls Jim.