Benny? Benny? Where are the presants under the tree?
Here is Benny with his new toy :)
Benny: What did you get? And more importantly, can I eat the paper it came in?
Blouse - From Little sister
Innocent World Socks - Cat who is the fuckin' bomb!
Lolita Lempicka and Undies - Grandmama <3
Hello Kitty Paper and Stickers - Sister Claudia
Stickers and Note paper - Claudia again, she gives kick ass gifts!
$150's worth of Myer Gift Cards - Mum and Dad, the MAC counter won't know what it it ;)
All that cute HK stuff my sister gave me came in the most KICK ASS HK purse I have ever clapped my eyes on. It goes PERFECTLY with my lolita outfits too. SHANKS CATTIE <3 I gave her a beautiful enammel belt this year. She's hard to shop for :\ but it's useful for work (she works in an office) and for going out.
Viveanne Westwood Kerchief and Orb from
xelyna (not picture is the white double bow head dress from BTSSB!)
What a great year! Thanks everybody!!!!!